
No Sunday Coupon Sneak Peek

The on-again, off-again recent schedule of coupon inserts is off again this weekend, as there will be no inserts in your upcoming Sunday newspaper.

Since mid-August, each week has seen either two inserts, or none, as the Save and SmartSource publication schedules have coincided for a while. This could be the last weekend for a while that they coincide, though, as Save is expected to return next week, while SmartSource won’t be back until the week after that.

While you wait for the coupons to return, you can search our coupon database for additional coupons to tide you over. And be sure to look at the latest cash-back offers from Ibotta, Checkout 51 or Makeena for additional savings, or check out Merryfield or Fetch to see how you can turn your receipts into gift cards!

So enjoy this last full weekend of summer. The coupons – and fall – will be here before you know it.

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