The Best Grocery Stores, And the Surprising Reason They’re Getting Better
How satisfied are you with your grocery store? A new survey ranks the best and the worst.
How satisfied are you with your grocery store? A new survey ranks the best and the worst.
New research shows that club store shoppers spend a lot more, and save a lot less, than they think.
Costco is sued for improperly collecting millions of dollars in sales taxes on purchases made using coupons.
Costco offers fewer coupons, and many shoppers aren’t happy about it.
A new survey finds that most of us prefer fueling up at supermarkets and club stores – even though we don’t always do it.
A new survey ranks grocery stores based on the quality of their private-label products.
Faced with increased competition from dollar stores, drug stores, big-box chains and warehouse clubs, many grocery stores are protecting themselves in part by tightening up their coupon policies. So now, some of the very warehouse clubs they compete against, are making it a whole lot easier to use coupons there. The new August Costco coupon book that takes effect today[Read More…]
It’s not just Walmart that’s taking out full-page newspaper ads to compare its receipts with its competitors’. The same kind of ad war is also happening in a mid-sized Southern city that’s suddenly becoming a whole lot more competitive. Kroger and the new-in-town Publix are battling it out in Knoxville, Tennessee, with a series of newspaper ads that illustrate the[Read More…]
Are you still buying your groceries at a grocery store? How quaint! Supermarkets are poised to lose their position as America’s preferred grocery-shopping destination. And it’s not only big-box discounters like Walmart and Target that are taking their business. The Wall Street Journal reports that supermarkets’ share of U.S. grocery sales fell to 51% last year. And Forbes cites a[Read More…]