Post Tagged with: "Grocery prices"

Giant Eagle: Double Coupons Continue, But For How Long?

Giant Eagle: Double Coupons Continue, But For How Long?

Well, Kroger has certainly conditioned us to take the bad along with the good. Recent announcements unveiling “new lower prices” in various regions have been accompanied by corresponding announcements that double coupons would also be ending. So it was with that in mind, that Giant Eagle shoppers approached their store’s own recent “new lower prices” announcement with a bit of[Read More…]

Monday, September 16, 2013, 10:02 AM Coupons In The News
Hooray, the Economy is Better! So Let's Raise Our Prices

Hooray, the Economy is Better! So Let’s Raise Our Prices

It’s a clever, and increasingly common, promotion designed to help gain customers’ trust in a tough economy – promise to “freeze” prices for weeks or months at a time, so shoppers know they’ll always get a good deal at your store. But once you get yourself into it, how do you get yourself out without looking like a chump? That’s[Read More…]

Wednesday, September 4, 2013, 7:52 PM Grocery & Retail News
Let the Government Do Your Grocery Shopping!

Let the Government Do Your Grocery Shopping!

In honor of today’s 237th birthday of our nation, officials in the Cradle of Liberty are celebrating with concerts, fireworks – and by comparison pricing your groceries for you. Who needs the Walmart Challenge, when the government is hard at work determining which supermarket has the best prices for your Fourth of July picnic items? In a survey designed to[Read More…]

Thursday, July 4, 2013, 10:00 AM Grocery & Retail News
Worth Every Penny? Grocery Store Tries Rounding Off Prices

Worth Every Penny? Grocery Store Tries Rounding Off Prices

Here’s an interesting sales strategy – raise your prices by a penny, and advertise it as being a good thing. That’s what a French grocery chain is trying. Would it fly here in the U.S.? Carrefour Markets has launched a new campaign called “Les Prix Ronds” (“Round Prices”). 500 grocery products will have permanently rounded-off prices. For example, the store’s[Read More…]

Sunday, February 10, 2013, 9:44 PM Grocery & Retail News
Mass Confusion in Massachusetts? Grocery Price Tags Disappear Overnight

Mass Confusion in Massachusetts? Grocery Price Tags Disappear Overnight

If you do any grocery shopping in Massachusetts today, please be kind to the bewildered shoppers wandering the aisles looking lost and confused. Beginning today, stores in the Bay State no longer have to have price stickers on them. Price stickers? What is this, the 1970’s? No, but a law that finally reached its expiration date last night was a[Read More…]

Tuesday, January 1, 2013, 9:44 AM Grocery & Retail News
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