Regulators Say Big Brand’s Favoritism “Harms Consumers” With “Higher Prices”
Federal regulators challenge Pepsi’s pricing practices that they say end up costing consumers.
Federal regulators challenge Pepsi’s pricing practices that they say end up costing consumers.
Two lawmakers demand answers from several grocery companies about their shrinkflation tactics.
Pepsi introduces a new cash-back loyalty program that bypasses traditional rebate apps.
Can you use a coupon for “any” Lipton product, on iced tea bottles? Starbucks coupons on canned Doubleshots? The answer is kind of complicated.
Plenty of people say they watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials. But now, you can say you watch it just for the coupons. If you have your internet-enabled device handy during Sunday’s game, you can score some freebies. During the first half of the game, Pepsi will be giving away a million coupons for a free two-liter bottle[Read More…]