Post Tagged with: "Stop & Shop"

Wealthy Island is Grocery Poor

Wealthy Island is Grocery Poor

It’s hard to classify the “richest county in America” as a food desert. But grocery options in Nantucket, Massachusetts are dwindling – leaving residents with fewer choices, higher prices and louder complaints. The island, located 30 miles from Cape Cod, has just two chain grocery stores for its 10,000 or so residents. Soon it will have one. The Grand Union[Read More…]

Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 8:28 PM Grocery & Retail News
Self-Scan's Biggest Benefit: Convenience, Cost Savings or Coupons?

Self-Scan’s Biggest Benefit: Convenience, Cost Savings or Coupons?

Back in the Dark Ages of self-scanning at the supermarket – way back in 2011 – customers thought it was cool if they could use a store-provided “wand” to scan their items as they shopped. Yawn, that’s so last year. Now, at least one major supermarket chain is letting customers scan items with their own phone – and soon, you[Read More…]

Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 9:40 PM Grocery & Retail News
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