Post Tagged with: "Studies"

Why You Should Grocery Shop With a Mirror, But Not a Calculator

Why You Should Grocery Shop With a Mirror, But Not a Calculator

If you think it can be a challenge to check all the supermarket sale ads and cross-reference your coupons while planning for a shopping trip, it turns out there are a few other factors you have to keep in mind for an optimal shopping experience. Everything from the way you look, to the way you sleep, to the way you[Read More…]

Saturday, September 21, 2013, 9:26 AM Grocery & Retail News
How Far Do You Drive to Your Grocery Store?

How Far Do You Drive to Your Grocery Store?

If you live in a big city, you may simply walk to your grocery store. If you live in a sprawling suburb, you can probably drive in just about any direction and pass by countless supermarkets. And if you live in a more remote area, you may have just one choice for grocery shopping – and not even a particularly[Read More…]

Monday, September 9, 2013, 3:29 PM Grocery & Retail News
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