Are you a coupon newbie or an old pro? Devoted to digital or passionate about paper? wants to know your “coupon personality”, and it’s offering a free membership to its Savings Club if you share.

In honor of National Coupon Month, has released a coupon quiz that it says will help uncover your “inner couponing persona”. From now through September 30th, take the quiz above, or on the blog, and let them know your result in one of three ways:

If you do that, will grant you a free one-year membership to its Savings Club, which offers higher-value coupons and normally costs $30 to join. Note that you do have to provide a credit card number to join, and after your free trial you will be charged for another year unless you cancel. So prepaid cards or “virtual” credit card numbers work just as well!

Back to the quiz – depending on your answers, you could be classified as one of the following coupon “types”:

  • Coupon Convert: “You’re a newbie to the world of couponing but have quickly discovered the thrill”
  • Digital Diva: “Your smartphone is glued to your hand at all times, you always know about the newest hot app and it’s no different when it comes to shopping”
  • Stone Age Saver: “You sit down with your scissors and the newspaper each Sunday to cut out coupons”
  • Super Saver: “You get a gold star for stretching your family’s budget to the max”

“Couponing shouldn’t feel like a chore,” Household Savings Expert Jeanette Pavini says in a news release, “and this quiz is a quick reminder to consumers of just how much fun it can be to save.”

The new promotion overlaps with an ongoing “One-year anniversary” promotion that also offers a free one-year subscription to the Savings Club.

But hey, earning it by taking a quiz is much more fun – right?

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