Finally, Coupons Are Getting Better!
New figures show that better food coupons may be encouraging us to use more coupons overall.
New figures show that better food coupons may be encouraging us to use more coupons overall.
Facebook describes plans for coupons that analyze your activity to determine what offers you receive, when, where and how.
Get a sneak preview of all the coupons from SmartSource, RedPlum and P&G in your July 31, 2016 Sunday newspaper.
Coupons are among the biggest determiners of whether we’ll download – or delete – a store’s app.
A new grocery delivery service offers to compare prices for you, then deliver you the best deals.
Two social media platforms describe ideas for offering coupons based on the photos you share.
Ibotta analyzes millions of receipts, and uncovers some surprising facts about how and when we save, and spend too much.
Walmart announces plans to sell more “ugly produce” at discount prices.
Get a sneak preview of all the coupons from SmartSource and RedPlum in your July 24, 2016 Sunday newspaper.
New research shows that digital and printable coupon users try more new products, and get them at much lower prices.