


We’ve all heard it before, and now a national TV audience has heard it – it’s time to get over extreme couponing. Author Christy Rakoczy appeared in the above segment on “Good Morning America” today, making the argument that she first made in a MoneyCrashers.com article back in October. In “6 Reasons Why I Stopped Extreme Couponing“, and on the TV segment, she made her case on why couponing is more trouble than it’s worth.

Have a look at the segment, then have a look at the story that Coupons in the News published after her article first appeared. “An Extreme Couponer Who’s Had Enough” features Rakoczy’s arguments, alongside those of Michelle Rubrecht, the Savannah Morning News’ “Savvy Shopper” columnist, who makes her own case that smart couponing is a smart move.

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