Archive for March 5th, 2013

What's Next, "Extreme Couponing: The Musical"?

What’s Next, “Extreme Couponing: The Musical”?

They say the movie is never as good as the book. But in the case of “Extreme Couponing”, is the book as good as the TV show? The TLC reality show has spawned an official book, released today, authored by Season 1, 2 and All-Stars participant Joni Meyer-Crothers. “Extreme Couponing: Learn How to Be a Savvy Shopper and Save Money…[Read More…]

Tuesday, March 5, 2013, 10:31 PM Coupons In The News
Double Coupons Keep on Dying

Double Coupons Keep on Dying

Another day, another store discontinuing double coupons. In what’s becoming a troubling trend, yet another Midwestern chain has decided to do away with doubles in some locations. This time, it’s Meijer, which is being oddly secretive about its decision. Over the weekend, signs such as the one pictured above (as posted on Meijer’s Facebook page) began appearing in some Meijer[Read More…]

Tuesday, March 5, 2013, 11:02 AM Coupons In The News
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