Post Tagged with: "Food prices"

Half-Priced Produce! No Coupons (But the Right Health Plan) Required

Half-Priced Produce! No Coupons (But the Right Health Plan) Required

If you eat a diet of nothing but processed food, you can use coupons to feed your family for next to nothing. But even the best couponers end up having to spend money for things like fresh food and produce, because there are rarely coupons or great sales for them. So what would you think if your grocery store offered[Read More…]

Monday, August 26, 2013, 10:46 AM Grocery & Retail News
We'd Eat Healthier, If Our Coupons Were Healthier

We’d Eat Healthier, If Our Coupons Were Healthier

Do we eat junk food because there are so many sales and coupons for it? Or are there so many sales and coupons for junk food because we eat so much of it? A couple of recent studies suggest that we’d eat a lot healthier, if only we could get our hands on more coupons for healthier foods. In a[Read More…]

Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 1:26 PM Coupons In The News
Shoppers Demand Cheap & Convenient Fresh Food

Shoppers Demand Cheap & Convenient Fresh Food

Couponers have long complained that it’s easy to save money on packaged products, but it’s hard to save on fresh food. There are just not very many coupons, or rock-bottom sale prices, for meat and produce. But retailers may need to take a hard look at lower prices – because shoppers are demanding it. A new report says Americans want[Read More…]

Friday, March 15, 2013, 9:49 AM Grocery & Retail News
Peanut Butter Predictions: Lower Prices, New Products, More Coupons

Peanut Butter Predictions: Lower Prices, New Products, More Coupons

If the price of peanut butter lately has you cutting back on your kids’ PB&J sandwiches, there’s some good news – better prices, promotions and coupons could be coming our way in the coming year. You can credit a perfect storm, of sorts, involving the economy, agriculture and new corporate players in the peanut butter business. Peanut butter is a[Read More…]

Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 1:11 PM Coupons In The News
Gobble Up Cheap Turkey Now, While You Still Can

Gobble Up Cheap Turkey Now, While You Still Can

Despite some alarmist headlines this year that the cost of a Thanksgiving dinner is higher than ever, it’s actually not so bad. So let us be the first to alarm you with the real headline – next year, you may need to take out a new mortgage to afford a turkey! The American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual price survey of[Read More…]

Monday, November 19, 2012, 8:00 AM Grocery & Retail News
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