
All You-November 2015


A magazine that was once a favorite of couponers, but lost some of its luster lately, is about to fade into history. Publisher Time Inc. has announced it is discontinuing the publication of “All You”, effective with the December edition, and is shutting down the corresponding website at the end of the year.

“We are constantly evaluating our portfolio of brands and products, examining existing assets and assessing their ability to deliver meaningful growth into the future,” the company said in a memo to staff, a copy of which was provided to Coupons in the News. “All You has faced a particularly difficult landscape in the shopper marketing space as well as endemic newsstand challenges… To that end, we have made the decision to cease publication.”

Curiously, there’s been no official mention of the shutdown on All You’s website or social media pages. In fact, they’re still actively soliciting subscriptions. Better act fast!

Meanwhile, if you’re already a subscriber, the company will offer a replacement Time-owned magazine, to fill out the balance of existing subscriptions.

With a focus on recipes, health, beauty, budgeting and coupons, “All You” launched back in 2004, and was initially sold exclusively at Walmart. Women said they “loved celebrity magazines,” the editor said at the time, but what they really wanted was something about “real life and everyday solutions.”

And coupons. A whole lot of coupons.

When the economy soured several years after All You launched, the plentiful coupons printed in its pages became a big draw for newly-minted “extreme couponers”. The coupons were frequently much higher in value than those found elsewhere. And there were so many, that the magazine published a “coupon index” right alongside the article index, detailing exactly where each of the dozens of coupons inside could be found. As a bonus, the All You website featured a selection of exclusive, high-value printable coupons as well. “This magazine pays for itself!” a banner on the magazine’s cover declared.


But All You stopped using that tagline recently, as the number of coupons inside the magazine dwindled, and the exclusive printables on the website slowly disappeared as well. Readers began complaining the magazine wasn’t as good as it used to be.

And an incident earlier this year, that alienated some supporters and angered the coupon industry, certainly didn’t help matters.

The April 2015 edition featured an article that included a controversial piece of coupon advice – if you need more coupons, just buy them online. eBay is “an overlooked gold mine for paper grocery coupons,” the article read. “Sellers often offer multiple coupons for one price.”

Selling coupons online is a big business, one that many buyers and sellers insist is perfectly legitimate. But the coupon industry feels otherwise. And the magazine essentially bit the hand that fed it, by effectively taking sides on the controversial issue – the wrong side, according to many of the very advertisers offering the coupons in its pages.

“As is widely recognized in the industry, the sale of manufacturers’ cents-off coupons violates the terms and conditions printed on virtually every coupon issued in the United States,” the Association of Coupon Professionals and the Coupon Information Corporation said, a few weeks after the article was published, in a joint statement issued at an industry conference at which All You representatives were in attendance. “We believe this article was a disservice to readers and the coupon issuing advertisers in the publication who prohibit the sale of their coupons.”

All You issued a “clarification” on its website that fell somewhat short of an apology or a retraction, but the ACP and CIC pressed for more meaningful action from a magazine “known as having been active in the industry and knowledgeable about coupon issues.” They called for the article to be removed from All You’s online archives, for a published retraction in the next printed edition, and urged the magazine to “educate its editors and staff about coupons to prevent a repetition of this unfortunate situation.”

All You never responded to Coupons in the News‘ request for reaction to that public scolding. But for a magazine already suffering from declining advertising revenues, strained relations with coupon providers was the last thing it needed.

“Unfortunately, we have no say in whether companies want to offer coupons for their products,” a spokesperson said back in April, in response to growing customer complaints about the lack of coupons inside. “But we’re working really hard to make sure that the magazine still provides you with deals and opportunities to save.”

Apparently their hard work wasn’t enough. Now the only money that All You will help you save, is the money you won’t have to spend on a subscription anymore.



  1. I hope they keep the website. It is my favorite site.

  2. Oh, so sorry to see this magazine go. It was one of my favorites. I always looked for it at Walmart every time I went in. Would take it home, sit down and read it from cover to cover. SORRY:(

  3. The last issue was in 12/15. I contacted the company and told them I didn’t want the substitute magazine, Real Simple, and wanted a refund. They said they would refund my balance. Then I received the card in the mail officially stating the end of All You and so forth. I called again to find out where my refund was and it had already been processed. I received it the following week for the full amount. This past week I received an issue of Real Simple as well. I will never order another magazine from Time again.

  4. I love this magazine and am really upset by this announcement. I do not like nor want the substitute magazine, but whenever I call the 800 number I’m put on hold for a long time. I would like a refund. Was the last edition 12/15 or 2/16?

  5. Since I never received any notification that said when the magazine was being discontinued, or anything about a refund, or anything about a substitute magazine, so I called customer service. Yes it is discontinued, and yes they switched me to another magazine that I’m not interested in receiving. I told them I wanted a refund instead and they did grant me that (we’ll see if I actually receive it). I gave them a piece of my mind regarding no communication and how this is no way to run a business or treat their customers. This has left me so angry I’m reluctant to subscribe to anything anymore. This is now the second magazine I’ve been stiffed on in the past few months.

  6. I am furious that All You was stopped. I loved the magazine and had just gotten a subscription. How do I get compensated for my subscription?

    • They said they were just going to substitute another magazine for the duration of existing subscriptions, but you can try calling customer service to ask for a refund – not sure if they will agree to it, but it’s worth a try if you’re not interested in whatever substitute they decide to send you.

      • I received a postcard today informing me that ALL YOU was no more and that they would switch me to Real Simple.
        If I didn’t want that magazine, then I can get a refund. Call 1-866-914-3403 within 4 weeks of March 25th.

  7. All You has died along with most of the other extreme couponing-related things. No need, no demand. The grocers and retailers have shut down anything that could be related or used to create an “extreme couponing” environment. No more doubles – Albertsons leaving Texas, etc.
    The CIC had to redesign their entire website due to this blog telling the truth about what they are:
    13000+ hits and counting.
    The truth is extreme couponing is dead, eBay coupon sales are dead, the CIC and the manufacturers they work for win once again.
    The battle is over.
    All You magazine is just another casualty in the fight against the retail conglomerates that we, as couponers are losing. Badly.

  8. The most recent edition had ZERO coupons in it.

  9. Why the coupons industry is having a problem with selling coupons as long as the seller is obtaining the coupons legally?

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