
Burger King couponers


They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch. That’s especially true if you try combining a dozen coupons to get one, because that’s not allowed at Burger King. But police in Glendale, Wisconsin say that didn’t stop one woman from trying – and then triggering an attack on the cashier who refused to let her.

It happened a couple of weeks ago at the suburban Milwaukee restaurant, and now police are asking the public for help in identifying the suspects.

A 16-year-old cashier, who did not want to be identified, said a woman showed up on the afternoon of February 27th, trying to use multiple coupons. “She had about 12, but our policy is only one per customer,” she told Milwaukee’s WDJT-TV.

But the cashier said the woman became irate when informed of this policy. “She kept bothering me, and kept asking. I kept telling her I couldn’t do it.” So the woman left – and said she was going to have her daughters come to help handle the situation.


Later that day, surveillance footage shows three women approaching the counter. “Oh, you’re the one,” one of the women said, according to a police report. “Don’t ever disrespect my mom,” another added.

And that’s when the condiments – and the fists – began flying.

The footage shows one woman reaching behind the counter, grabbing a box full of sugar packets and throwing the entire thing at the cashier. She followed that up by tossing a container of ketchup at her.

Then things got worse. “The girl pushed past my manager, and began punching me several times in the face,” the cashier said. Before they left, the cashier said the women threatened to return with a gun, but thankfully never did.

The cashier was taken to the hospital and treated for bruises and a mild concussion. The women got away – but now police are offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information that could lead to their identification and arrests.

“Fighting over coupons is stupid,” the cashier said. Especially if the perpetrators are caught, arrested for assault, and jailed or fined. Then that “free lunch” that wasn’t, could end up being much more expensive than any of them anticipated.


  1. She’ll get her free lunch for her and her daughter’s,right after they book her.Sorry not having your way,bolony sandwich,dummy!

  2. Thank your liberal Democrat politicians for giving these ghetto trash baby momma thugs their undeserved & inflated sense of entitlement. “I’ve never worked hard for anything in my life, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get money & food stamps from the govt. every month because I was too much of a stupid whore to use birth control.” “Since my real baby’s daddy isn’t around anymore, the taxpayers support us.”

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