
Latonia Howell


It pays to have someone else do your dirty work – unless, perhaps, that someone is your own daughter, and she’s languishing behind bars while you’re on the outside. And all because of a dispute over a few coupons and some cheap burgers and fries.

42-year-old Latonia Howell was sentenced yesterday to three days time served, for her role in instigating a brawl at a Milwaukee-area Burger King back in February. Police said she showed up at the Glendale, Wisconsin restaurant with several coupons, and tried to use them all. And when she was told she couldn’t – things got ugly.

“She had about 12, but our policy is only one per customer,” the 16-year-old cashier later said about Howell’s coupons. “She kept bothering me, and kept asking. I kept telling her I couldn’t do it.”

But Howell wouldn’t have it. Instead of acquiescing to the policy, police said she stormed out and promised that her daughters would be back to help straighten out the situation.

And sure enough, Howell returned a short time later with her two daughters, who were seen on surveillance footage arguing with the cashier. “You’re the one,” the police report quoted one daughter as saying to the cashier. “Don’t ever disrespect my mom,” another said.


It only got worse from there. Howell is seen on the surveillance video standing by and watching her daughters stick up for her. The two are seen yelling at the cashier, throwing a box full of sugar packets and a container of ketchup at her, and eventually coming to blows with her.

One of the daughters “pushed past my manager, and began punching me several times in the face,” the cashier told police. The women then left and promised to come back with a gun, to resolve the situation once and for all.

And all because the cashier wouldn’t let Howell combine a dozen coupons in a single transaction.

Police released the surveillance footage shortly after the incident, appealing for the public’s help identifying the women. They soon arrested Howell and her 23-year-old daughter Jasmeika Simon. The second daughter was not charged.

For doing mom’s bidding, Simon was convicted last month of misdemeanor battery and disorderly conduct, and given the maximum sentence of nine months imprisonment. Upon her release, she also must participate in a “cognitive thinking program” and is banned from any Burger King restaurant.

As for Howell, whose anger over Burger King’s coupon policy started this whole thing, she was set to stand trial a couple of weeks ago, when she submitted a last-minute change of plea. She pleaded no contest to disorderly conduct, and was sentenced yesterday to three days behind bars. Since she had already served three days after her arrest, she was given credit for time served and let go. She was also ordered to pay $805.34 in restitution, to help cover the victim’s medical bills.

So Howell will be able to spend the rest of the year at home, awaiting her daughter’s release, which should come just before the one-year anniversary of the altercation. It’s a safe bet they won’t choose to celebrate her homecoming at Burger King. And certainly not with any coupons.

One Comment

  1. Yep…of course wouldn’t get no longer than 3 days in jail. Heaven forbid it would be racist……..????

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