

It’s getting dangerous out there! No longer are angry couponers simply arguing with cashiers – they’re also apparently threatening to shoot anyone who gets in between them and their discounts.

Police in Albuquerque, New Mexico say that’s what happened at a local Subway restaurant a couple of weeks ago.

It was the dinnertime rush on the evening of June 5, but 32-year-old Minh Dennison was apparently in no big hurry. A man who was waiting to order said Dennison was holding up the lengthening line by “arguing with the cashier about Subway coupons.” The man said he asked if Dennison would kindly move things along, to which he said Dennison responded, ‘You don’t want to f*** with me!'”

An argument ensued, and as Dennison was leaving the store with his girlfriend and 3-year-old son, the man told police that Dennison “pulled a black handgun from his waistband and pointed it at him… When he saw the man rack a round, he feared for his life and ran toward the bathrooms.”

Shortly afterward, the man said Dennison got in his car and took off – so the man got in his own car and took off after him. He “also had a gun and and held it up pointing towards the roof so that (Dennison) would know he was also armed with a gun,” the criminal complaint reads.

The pursuit went on for a couple of miles and ended at a police substation, where investigators intervened, interviewed the two men and got two very different stories about what happened.


The first man described events as outlined above. Dennison told a different tale.

He denied having a gun and said the other man was the one threatening him. Dennison said the man was “aggressive and rude”, which made him uncomfortable. So he, his girlfriend and son left – and as he was driving away, he said the man “pulled up next to him while holding a gun and said ‘It’s not over.'”

Faced with these competing narratives, police went to the Subway to investigate. Two witnesses told them they saw Dennison pull a gun, and said he “waved it around the business which caused them both to fear for their lives”.

Police also reviewed surveillance video, which they said showed Dennison “pull out what appears to be a black semi-automatic handgun out of his waistband, chamber a round and then point it at” the other man.

After being confronted with this information, police said Dennison “admitted to pulling out his gun and pointing it at the other man. (Dennison) said he was afraid for himself and his family, which is why he pulled out his gun.”

Dennison was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In addition, the criminal complaint notes that Dennison “placed his 3-year-old son in harm by pulling out a handgun, chambering a round and pointing it around in an unsafe manner, placing his son’s life in jeopardy, therefore he was also charged with child abuse.”

And all because of a coupon. One can only hope that whatever discount Dennison was allegedly arguing for, was worth it.

Image sources: Bernalillo County Metro Detention Center / JeepersMedia

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