
Let this serve as a life lesson – be careful before arguing with a cashier about coupons. It could land you in jail for entirely different reasons.

That’s what a Georgia man discovered, after he and his girlfriend had words with an employee at a Smoothie King in the suburban Atlanta city of Conyers.

The incident occurred on September 10th, when 22-year-old Alyssia Dismuke and 22-year-old Michael Worthy entered the store for a refreshment. Things got off to a bad start when they were told the coupon they wanted to use could not be honored.

And then things went from bad to worse.

According to an incident report, employees told police that they made a drink for Dismuje, but she didn’t like it. She asked for a replacement, which they provided, then she left the store.

But five minutes laer, she was back. She complained that the drink was “too watery and not thick like she wanted,” police said. She demanded a third drink, but employees said they could not accommodate her request, since she had already left the premises with her purchase.

And that’s when things allegedly started to get ugly. Police say Dismuke began yelling and cursing, disturbing other customers and prompting employees to call police.

When police showed up, they reported finding Dismuke threatening to throw her drink on the employees if they didn’t make her a new one. Worthy then allegedly began arguing with employees, when police intervened and took him outside for questioning.

Once outside, police say they detected the odor of marijuana on Worthy, and saw a small green bag hanging from his pants. Further investigation determined that the bag allegedly contained several small plastic bags of suspected marijuana, and a digital scale.

Worthy was arrested and transported to jail on charges of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and possession of drug related objects. Dismuke was cited for disorderly conduct and released at the scene.

If convicted, Dismuke faces up to a year in prison, and Worthy faces up to two years.

All over an invalid coupon and a watery smoothie. And the alleged drug possession certainly didn’t help. So next time you’re tempted to argue with a cashier, beware the potential consequences – and leave the illegal substances at home.

Image source: Smoothie King

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