Post Tagged with: "International"

If Only All Price Matching Was This Easy

If Only All Price Matching Was This Easy

British shoppers may not coupon quite the way we do in the United States, but their grocery stores sure know how to price match. Shoppers don’t even have to know how much anything is at another store – the store will do the price matching for them, and hand them a coupon off their next order representing the difference. Do[Read More…]

Monday, March 11, 2013, 1:14 PM Coupons In The News
Sorry, Louisiana (and Others), No Cheap Milk for You

Sorry, Louisiana (and Others), No Cheap Milk for You

Small-government advocates are in a bit of an uproar, about authorities telling us how much we should pay for milk. “Louisiana Milk Police Combat Prices That Are Too Reasonable,” headlines Libertarian magazine “Holy cow!” says Fox News. “Udderly ridiculous,” writes the conservative news site WND. They’re all reacting to a recent news report that’s not necessarily news to people[Read More…]

Monday, January 28, 2013, 12:42 PM Grocery & Retail News
Why We Love, And Hate, Generics

Why We Love, And Hate, Generics

Remember when generic grocery products used to be – well, generic? Those stark labels with black, block letters that read “COLA” or “SOUP”, with stuff inside that wasn’t all that great, and it was a little embarrassing to buy? Somewhere along the line, they turned into “private-label products” and became acceptable, even trendy, to buy. But now these popular store-brand[Read More…]

Saturday, August 4, 2012, 11:24 PM Grocery & Retail News
Do You Have a Coupon For That Corned Beef?

Do You Have a Coupon For That Corned Beef?

Nothing says America like Old Glory, apple pie and the ability to fill a shopping cart with 62 bottles of mustard just because you have coupons for them. But soon, hoarding and shelf-clearing won’t be just an American phenomenon. Shoppers in Ireland are beginning to save on their meat and potatoes by getting into the coupon game. But they have[Read More…]

Friday, July 6, 2012, 11:34 AM Coupons In The News
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