Post Tagged with: "Self-checkout"

Are Self-Checkouts an Endangered Species?

Are Self-Checkouts an Endangered Species?

Plenty of grocery stores don’t have loyalty cards. But when Albertsons very publicly eliminated them in its newly-acquired grocery chains earlier this year, it was enough to generate headlines speculating that loyalty programs as a whole were officially on the way out. That being the case, is it time to declare the impending death of self-checkout lanes? Because now, the[Read More…]

Thursday, September 26, 2013, 10:15 AM Grocery & Retail News
Shaw's Coupon Policy Disappears, But It Totally Hasn't Changed, No Siree

Shaw’s Coupon Policy Disappears, But It Totally Hasn’t Changed, No Siree

If you’ve ever come across a cashier or manager who misinterprets or makes up their own rules about coupons, your best defense is a printed copy of your store’s coupon policy. That can clear up any confusion real quick. But now, one grocery chain’s coupon policy is causing more confusion than it’s solving lately – because it’s vanished. And store[Read More…]

Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 10:44 AM Coupons In The News
Self-Checkout Scratched: Hy-Vee Ends 15-Year "Experiment"

Self-Checkout Scratched: Hy-Vee Ends 15-Year “Experiment”

Self-checkout stations have always been polarizing. Shoppers either love them, or hate them. They’re considered either a convenience, or an excuse to offer customer “no service”. Various stores either seem to be installing them, or tearing them out. Now you can count Hy-Vee among those that are coming down on the side of doing away with them. The Iowa-based grocery[Read More…]

Wednesday, August 7, 2013, 10:18 AM Grocery & Retail News
How to Scam Another Shopper Into Paying for Your Groceries

How to Scam Another Shopper Into Paying for Your Groceries

You can’t beat this deal – in exchange for scanning and bagging all of your own groceries, you get to take everything home for free! Pity the poor person in line behind you who gets stuck with your bill, though. That’s what was apparently happening to many shoppers, before a southern California grocery chain and a local TV news investigation[Read More…]

Wednesday, July 3, 2013, 10:05 AM Grocery & Retail News
The Five Biggest Myths About What Shoppers Want

The Five Biggest Myths About What Shoppers Want

Whatever happened to customer service? It seems more retailers are asking you to serve yourself – and claiming it’s a convenience. The customer is always right, it’s said, but exactly how many customers are clamoring to scan, bag, price match and otherwise do all the work themselves? While supermarkets and other retailers are eager to show how hip and high-tech[Read More…]

Tuesday, July 2, 2013, 10:11 AM Grocery & Retail News
Store Says Requiring Loyalty Card at Self Checkout is for Our Own Good

Store Says Requiring Loyalty Card at Self Checkout is for Our Own Good

Most of us have grown accustomed to needing a store loyalty card to take advantage of sale prices and perks like doubled and digital coupons. Those who refuse loyalty cards quite literally have to pay the price: no card, no savings. Many privacy enthusiasts are okay with that. But some are not okay with one store’s latest move – requiring[Read More…]

Thursday, April 4, 2013, 9:01 AM Grocery & Retail News
Should Buy-Your-Own Beer Be Banned?

Should Buy-Your-Own Beer Be Banned?

Did you know your kids are buying beer at the local grocery store, using the self-checkout lanes? Really! They’re putting both beer and soda in their shopping cart, scanning the soda twice, and leaving with the beer. Why, there oughta be a law! Actually, there already are laws meant to prevent this. It’s against the law for kids to buy[Read More…]

Monday, September 10, 2012, 7:30 AM Grocery & Retail News
Self-Scan's Biggest Benefit: Convenience, Cost Savings or Coupons?

Self-Scan’s Biggest Benefit: Convenience, Cost Savings or Coupons?

Back in the Dark Ages of self-scanning at the supermarket – way back in 2011 – customers thought it was cool if they could use a store-provided “wand” to scan their items as they shopped. Yawn, that’s so last year. Now, at least one major supermarket chain is letting customers scan items with their own phone – and soon, you[Read More…]

Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 9:40 PM Grocery & Retail News
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