
Wegmans upskirt


The next time you’re gathering your coupons in the checkout line, better keep an eye on the person behind you. They may be interested in seeing more than just your savings.

A Pennsylvania man has been arrested for allegedly using his cell phone to peek up a woman’s dress, as she leaned over to get her coupons out of her shopping cart.

Police have been looking for the suspect since last month, when the incident occurred at a Wegmans in North Wales. Police say the victim was checking out when she saw the man, er, checking her out.

Investigators say surveillance video showed the man take out his phone, turn it on, kneel down and put the phone under the victim’s dress. When she confronted him, he took off, leaving his shopping basket behind.

Several weeks later, police released images from the surveillance footage, seeking the public’s help in identifying him.


And, wouldn’t you know it, he was eventually spotted by security personnel shopping at the very same Wegmans.

At least he’s a loyal shopper, if not a particularly shrewd one.

The suspect has been identified as 33-year-old Suresh Muralidharan. In the dryly matter-of-fact criminal complaint, investigators declared that “there is no legitimate purpose for Suresh Muralidharan to activate his phone and place the phone under the dress of a woman.”

Unless he dropped his own coupons under there, and needed to make a phone call at the same time, or something.

He’s been charged with harassment and invasion of privacy, and is due for an arraignment in district court in August.

And the next time he finds himself behind a couponer in the checkout line, here’s hoping he keeps his phone in his pocket and his eyes on his shopping basket. And, just to be safe – better hope the couponer is wearing pants.

Photos by Montgomery Township Police / AtHandGuides.com

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