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If you’re a consumer looking for a digital coupon for a new or favorite brand, where are you most likely to go? Probably to one of the major online coupon galleries, or to a retailer’s website.

If you’re the brand, though, do you really want your coupon lost in a sea of offers on another company’s website, where it’s just another commoditized coupon for a consumer to click, clip and redeem while giving little thought to your company or your products?

Today’s consumers want more than conventional discount offers from faceless businesses. They want to know more about the brands they support. They want to form intimate and exclusive relationships with the brands they trust.

PromotionPod can help nurture these relationships by giving brands the ability to create a great digital coupon experience on the brands’ own terms, allowing them to develop connections with consumers.

PromotionPod works with hundreds of the best CPG brands and shopper marketing agencies in the U.S. and Canada, building direct-to-consumer marketing pipelines using digital offers as incentives. There’s no better way to encourage consumers to provide information, participate in surveys or share branded content online than by offering a digital coupon as a reward. Whether the goal is to gain trial from new users, or increase purchases from existing customers, the ultimate outcome is a regular and consistent dialogue that helps to create an emotional connection and a lasting bond that leads to long-term profitable sales.

Working with PromotionPod gives brands access to a powerful toolkit, enabling them to run print-at-home, paperless and mail-to-home coupon campaigns from brand websites, social networks, paid media, emailed newsletters and more. PromotionPod provides solutions for the delivery of secured digital coupon offers used for new product launches, customer service coupons and custom-built campaigns. And robust security features allow brands to target their coupons and prevent abuse.

The PromotionPod dashboard provides real-time data on all events as they occur during the campaign. Brands get up-to-the-second data and analytics for decision making on-the-fly.

PromotionPod is built on the belief that brands should have the ability to manage and control their own customer data-building efforts through personalized marketing communications using digital incentives. Brands who build their own direct-to-consumer relationships using their owned, paid and earned sites will gain more power to drive sales across channels, and build the lifetime value of each customer.

Whoever controls the direct-to-customer relationship will win. PromotionPod gives brands the tools, the power and the control to help make that happen.

Want to learn more, or find out if PromotionPod can help turn your idea into reality? Visit PromotionPod.com to get started!

This has been a sponsored message from PromotionPod.

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