Grocery & Retail News

“Cleanup on Aisle Four”: Gallon Smashing Spawns Inevitable Copycats

It’s stupid, reckless, wasteful, destructive and immature – though, okay, if you tap into your inner 12-year-old, maybe just a little bit amusing. But it’s wrong. Bad, bad and wrong. And copycats are never as good as the original anyway. That said, what started out as a dumb prank by a trio of Virginia teenagers quickly became an internet meme.[Read More…]

Friday, March 8, 2013, 4:03 PM Grocery & Retail News
Everyday Low Prices? No Thanks.

Everyday Low Prices? No Thanks.

What’s not to like about low prices on the things you buy most often at the grocery store? Apparently Food Lion customers found plenty not to like. The grocery chain is ending an “everyday low pricing” test and raising prices – so it can have more sales instead. The East Coast chain, one of the largest in the country, has[Read More…]

Thursday, March 7, 2013, 9:05 PM Grocery & Retail News
The Walmart Challenge: Coming to a City Near You

The Walmart Challenge: Coming to a City Near You

If your favorite grocery store hasn’t been targeted by Walmart’s price comparison ads yet, just wait. The retail giant is seeking out a slew of new contenders, to take its “Walmart Challenge.” The “Market Basket Challenge” ads, introduced around this time last year, expanded into 25 cities by year’s end. Now Walmart is doubling that number. CEO Bill Simon says[Read More…]

Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 9:20 AM Grocery & Retail News
Supermarket Surrenders to the Walmart Challenge

Supermarket Surrenders to the Walmart Challenge

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. A grocery chain that launched one of the most vigorous public responses to Walmart’s series of price-comparison ads is now waving the white flag and quietly making plans to lower its own prices. Roundy’s, the parent company of Milwaukee-based Pick ‘n Save, says the chain is testing a more everyday low pricing approach[Read More…]

Sunday, March 3, 2013, 10:55 PM Grocery & Retail News
Rotten Food, No Food, Closed Commissaries and More!

Rotten Food, No Food, Closed Commissaries and More!

Sequestration has arrived – so be prepared to find rotten meat in your grocery store, if you can find any meat at all. Low-income shoppers will starve, supermarket employees will be fired and military grocery stores will padlock their doors. And that’s in addition to prisoners running free, bad guys streaming across the borders and planes falling out of the[Read More…]

Friday, March 1, 2013, 10:12 PM Grocery & Retail News
Paper or Plastic? One City is Now Banning Both

Paper or Plastic? One City is Now Banning Both

Gone are the days when grocery shoppers in Austin, Texas were asked if they want paper or plastic. Beginning today, they don’t get either. A number of communities across the country have banned plastic grocery bags (read: “Paper, Plastic or Please Butt Out?”). But Austin has become the first city in the country to ban both paper and plastic disposable[Read More…]

Friday, March 1, 2013, 1:01 AM Grocery & Retail News
Publix is the Best Store in the World Ever

Publix is the Best Store in the World Ever

If its legions of devoted fans aren’t enough to convince you, two separate surveys put one grocery store at the top of their lists when it comes to customer satisfaction. But Publix is used to that kind of thing. “Publix reigns when it comes to customer satisfaction,” reports the American Customer Satisfaction Index. With a score of 86 out of[Read More…]

Thursday, February 28, 2013, 10:11 PM Grocery & Retail News
Staples Rewards Gets More Rewarding - Sort Of

Staples Rewards Gets More Rewarding – Sort Of

While some have been debating the merits of the rewards programs offered by Office Depot and OfficeMax, and which elements will survive the companies’ merger, Staples has decided to shake up its own rewards program. Starting March 15th, members of Staples Rewards will get 5% back on everything, plus free shipping at But there are some catches. “Our brand[Read More…]

Thursday, February 28, 2013, 2:25 PM Grocery & Retail News
Former Trader Joe's Exec: Selling "Rich Man's Garbage" to the Poor?

Former Trader Joe’s Exec: Selling “Rich Man’s Garbage” to the Poor?

If you’re not too concerned about “gently expired” or slightly damaged packages of food, you can save a lot by shopping at “scratch and dent” stores. But is it right to peddle such products to those who may have no other options? Doug Rauch, the former president of Trader Joe’s, is working to open a nonprofit store in Boston that[Read More…]

Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 11:37 AM Grocery & Retail News
Supermarket's "Cutest Baby" Contest Turns Ugly

Supermarket’s “Cutest Baby” Contest Turns Ugly

Everyone thinks their baby is the cutest. But when prizes are at stake – suddenly, things can get ugly. And it may get even uglier before it’s over. That’s what the Iowa-based Hy-Vee grocery chain discovered, after it innocently launched a “Cutest Baby and Toddler Contest” on its Facebook page earlier this month. More than 2000 people entered, but critics[Read More…]

Friday, February 22, 2013, 11:04 AM Grocery & Retail News
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