These Digital Coupons Are Effortless and Automatic – And That Could Be a Problem
A grocery store’s new app clips coupons for you automatically – which could turn out to be problematic.
A grocery store’s new app clips coupons for you automatically – which could turn out to be problematic.
Six months behind schedule, Albertsons completes the national introduction of its “Just for U” discount program.
A new survey finds that shoppers prefer digital coupons to paper coupons, for the first time.
Location-based mobile coupons can get a bad rap – but a new study says there are many overlooked benefits.
Rebrands, retirements, racism and restrictive new coupon policies – they were all among the biggest coupon news stories of 2018.
Two digital coupon platforms combine, offering less competition but potentially more consistency.
Walmart proposes a system to combine all your paper and digital coupons into one mobile bar code.
A fresh chicken brand introduces a new “virtual assistant” that will provide coupons and information directly to your phone.
A new study says dollar store shoppers like digital coupons even more than shoppers at more traditional stores.
Walmart pulls the plug on its Scan & Go self-checkout service yet again – disappointing those who had hoped for access to digital coupons.