Sellers Advised to Make It Easier – And Harder – For Shoppers to Save
Some good, and some questionable, advice is offered to brands and retailers in how to deal with shoppers looking to save money.
Some good, and some questionable, advice is offered to brands and retailers in how to deal with shoppers looking to save money.
Researchers discover that online shoppers value one thing even more than saving money.
Higher-income shoppers are doing more of their shopping at dollar stores to save money.
A new study finds shoppers have become less price sensitive, are using fewer coupons and willingly paying more at the grocery store.
New pricing surveys show the best and worst types of stores to buy your groceries.
Dollar stores are increasingly popular – but prices are soaring there more than anywhere else.
New reports point to a big problem with prescription drug coupons.
As prices rise, a new report urges grocers to offer more deals on fresh foods.
New research determines which type of coupon is most effective and most favored by shoppers.
With prices on the rise, a new study shows shoppers won’t object to modest price increases on their favorite cereals.