Post Tagged with: "Walmart"

Milk Prices Won't Double - But Why Are They So High Anyway?

Milk Prices Won’t Double – But Why Are They So High Anyway?

If you found it hard to follow the “fiscal cliff” story, you may have been too weary to try to wrap your head around the related “milk cliff” story – though the shorthand was a bit easier to understand: the price of a gallon of milk will double overnight! Thankfully, that won’t happen this year. But there’s always next year.[Read More…]

Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 10:55 AM Grocery & Retail News
Coupons in the News: The Top Stories of 2012

Coupons in the News: The Top Stories of 2012

Everyone else does year-end Top 10 lists at this time of year, so how about a look at the top coupon stories of 2012? We’ll even throw in an extra and make it a Top 11 list. Even though Coupons in the News has only been around since July, a look at the most popular posts these past six months[Read More…]

Sunday, December 30, 2012, 12:10 AM Coupons In The News
Pundits Predict Lower Grocery Prices

Pundits Predict Lower Grocery Prices

If everyone’s prices are low, are anyone’s prices really low? While you ponder that, consider this recent prediction from the retail consultant AMG Strategic Advisors: within three years, the vast majority of retailers will largely ditch sales and promotions in favor of everyday low pricing. Super-savers accustomed to collecting coupons and waiting for sales may shudder at the thought; Walmart[Read More…]

Wednesday, December 26, 2012, 10:26 PM Grocery & Retail News
Today is the Busiest Grocery Day of the Year! Unless It's Not.

Today is the Busiest Grocery Day of the Year! Unless It’s Not.

If you need to do some last-minute grocery shopping today, join the crowds. Christmas Eve Day just might be the busiest day of the year at your local supermarket. Unless it was yesterday. Or Saturday, or maybe the day before Thanksgiving. No one’s sure exactly. “Historically, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for the grocery[Read More…]

Monday, December 24, 2012, 11:50 AM Grocery & Retail News
"Whole Foods Quality With Walmart Pricing" Doesn't Quite Work Out

“Whole Foods Quality With Walmart Pricing” Doesn’t Quite Work Out

“Fresh & Easy”? More like Costly & Failing. The British owner of the California-based, no-frills grocery store chain says it may be time to pack it in. At a time when ALDI is taking the U.S. by storm, Fresh & Easy represented another foreign-owned small-format grocer when it arrived on U.S. shores five years ago. It expanded to about 200[Read More…]

Thursday, December 6, 2012, 11:54 AM Grocery & Retail News
Supermarkets Crave Store-Brand Twinkies

Supermarkets Crave Store-Brand Twinkies

Hostess may be no more, but what would you think about “Great Value Twinkies”? “Market Pantry Ding Dongs”? Or Kroger putting “Wonder Bread” labels on its store-brand bread? It could happen. As the snack maker goes through liquidation, and eager fans grab what few Hostess treats remain on supermarket shelves (read: “Twinkies Sell Like Hotcakes”), the company says there’s a[Read More…]

Monday, December 3, 2012, 3:07 PM Grocery & Retail News
Are Supermarkets Missing Out on the Holiday Shopping Frenzy?

Are Supermarkets Missing Out on the Holiday Shopping Frenzy?

Have you recovered from your Cyber Monday and Black Friday shopping experiences yet? The spending frenzy can make grocery shopping seem downright mundane in comparison. But what if grocery stores got in on the action? A recent report by the coupon processing company Inmar says Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers are hungry for grocery store deals as well. 61%[Read More…]

Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 9:23 PM Grocery & Retail News
Talking Turkey and Other Thanksgiving Tidbits

Talking Turkey and Other Thanksgiving Tidbits

On this day before Thanksgiving, we offer you what you usually don’t get until the day after Thanksgiving: leftovers! Here are some Thanksgiving tidbits to enjoy before the big day: Target’s Turkey is Tops “We aren’t in the business of high-low pricing or gimmicks,” a Walmart executive sniffed, in reaction to competitors’ deals on Thanksgiving staples. Too bad, because Target[Read More…]

Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 1:32 PM Grocery & Retail News
A New Winner in the Grocery Price Wars

A New Winner in the Grocery Price Wars

It’s not Walmart. It’s not even Aldi. The new grocery low-price leader is – would you believe – Dollar General? That’s not what Walmart would have you believe. The company trumpeted its price leadership at an investors conference last week, and the Wall Street Journal today headlined a Deutsche Bank price-comparison study that crowned Walmart the cheapest option. But while[Read More…]

Monday, October 15, 2012, 10:19 PM Grocery & Retail News
How Social Is Your Supermarket?

How Social Is Your Supermarket?

Sure, you like your local grocery store, but have you “liked” them? A roundup of the most and least popular grocery retailers on social media sites (see the full list below) can yield some interesting insights, though it also shows that “likes” aren’t necessarily everything. Florida-based Publix was recently criticized (in “Frozen & Refrigerated Buyer” magazine) for being “technology-challenged”: “Yes,[Read More…]

Monday, September 24, 2012, 2:45 PM Grocery & Retail News
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