Archive for September, 2013

Giant Cashier Accused in Giant Coupon Scam

Giant Cashier Accused in Giant Coupon Scam

Here’s a savings tip – if you ever forget your coupons while shopping, just bring them back to the store along with your receipt, and an employee should be able to take them off retroactively and hand you the difference in cash. Here’s an even easier savings tip – if you work at the store, take off the value of[Read More…]

Thursday, September 12, 2013, 10:10 AM Coupons In The News
P&G Explains its Attempt to Ban Overage - Sort Of

P&G Explains its Attempt to Ban Overage – Sort Of

Over the past month or so, sharp-eyed couponers have been all abuzz about new wording recently added to Procter & Gamble coupons that appears to take aim at overage – the cash back you can score at some stores, if your coupon is worth more than the price of the product you’re using it on. Turns out, the wording isn’t[Read More…]

Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 11:28 AM Coupons In The News
Shoppers, Staff Upset as Owners Pay to Make Fresh & Easy Go Away

Shoppers, Staff Upset as Owners Pay to Make Fresh & Easy Go Away

What started out sounding like pretty good news for fans of the Fresh & Easy grocery chain changed dramatically over the course of the day yesterday and into today. Word that the troubled chain finally found a new owner seemed good at first, then it started to turn bad. Ultimately, it ended up in complete confusion, anger and feelings of[Read More…]

Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 8:52 AM Grocery & Retail News
Fresh & Easy is Finally Sold

Fresh & Easy is Finally Sold

(Be sure to read this update: “Shoppers, Staff Upset as Owners Pay to Make Fresh & Easy Go Away”) For once, it seems, a grocery takeover has been met not with shock and anger, but with a sense of inevitability and even a little relief – at least for those whose stores are remaining open. A long-rumored deal involving the[Read More…]

Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 2:19 PM Grocery & Retail News
Golf Course Offers the Worst Coupon in the World

Golf Course Offers the Worst Coupon in the World

What better way to commemorate one of the most tragic days in modern memory, and honor the thousands of lives lost in the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil, than by offering an incredibly insensitive coupon to go golfing on 9/11 for the low price of $9.11? For real. A Wisconsin golf course is getting hammered, after offering the[Read More…]

Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 11:23 AM Coupons In The News
Better Print Your Pampers Coupons Now

Better Print Your Pampers Coupons Now

Once upon a time, a half gallon of ice cream was actually 2 quarts, and not today’s 1.5 quarts. Cereal boxes held more cereal, toilet paper had more sheets per roll and you generally got a lot more for your money at the grocery store. So if you have a young one in diapers, or plan to have one soon,[Read More…]

Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 10:07 AM Grocery & Retail News
Big Buyout, No Big Changes? Albertsons Acquires United Supermarkets

Big Buyout, No Big Changes? Albertsons Acquires United Supermarkets

The grocery landscape is changing in the Lone Star State, and local shoppers aren’t quite sure whether that’s a good thing. But Albertsons LLC and Lubbock-based United Supermarkets are assuring customers that their big business deal announced today will be good for everyone. In its first major acquisition since buying five supermarket chains from Supervalu earlier this year, Albertsons LLC[Read More…]

Monday, September 9, 2013, 8:35 PM Grocery & Retail News
How Far Do You Drive to Your Grocery Store?

How Far Do You Drive to Your Grocery Store?

If you live in a big city, you may simply walk to your grocery store. If you live in a sprawling suburb, you can probably drive in just about any direction and pass by countless supermarkets. And if you live in a more remote area, you may have just one choice for grocery shopping – and not even a particularly[Read More…]

Monday, September 9, 2013, 3:29 PM Grocery & Retail News
Great, Now Our Kids Will Be Eating Chicken Nuggets Made in China

Great, Now Our Kids Will Be Eating Chicken Nuggets Made in China

Kids love them, but chicken nuggets can be pricey. If you manage to combine a good sale with a coupon, though, you can sometimes get a 29-ounce bag for just a buck or two… Oh, forget the clumsy attempt to tie this into coupons somehow. Let’s just cut to the chase – your kids may soon be eating chicken nuggets[Read More…]

Monday, September 9, 2013, 10:07 AM Grocery & Retail News
New Insight About a New Printable Coupon Site

New Insight About a New Printable Coupon Site

If you’re coupon-savvy, you may have visited Kimberly-Clark’s new Pick Up the Values website shortly after it went live last week. If you’re coupon-obsessed, you may have visited several times since, looking to see if any new coupons had been added. Either way, you may be wondering whether it’s something to add to your regular printable coupon site rotation, or[Read More…]

Sunday, September 8, 2013, 10:20 AM Coupons In The News
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