
7-11 arrest


It’s getting dangerous out there, folks! Disgruntled couponers have been known to shove a cash register at pizza place employees, punch a cashier at an ice cream store, or even throw hot coffee at a Dunkin’ Donuts employee – all for refusing to accept their coupons.

Now, a New York man has been indicted for allegedly taking out his frustration on a convenience store clerk who refused his expired coupons, by threatening to kill the clerk with a box cutter.

As reported by Bergen County, New Jersey’s Cliffview Pilot, 30-year-old Angel Caban of the Bronx, New York, was indicted this week on a host of charges, including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, threatening to kill and armed robbery.

The incident took place in September, when Caban and 43-year-old John Collmer visited a 7-11 convenience store in Hackensack, New Jersey. Investigators say a police officer cruising by before dawn saw the two men and the store clerk outside the front door, and sensed something was wrong. When the officer approached the scene, Caban “became extremely agitated and began threatening to kill the employee in front of the officer,” the police chief told the Pilot.

Police say the clerk explained that the two men were upset because he would not accept their expired coupons. So he said the two responded by punching him, and Caban allegedly attacked him with a box cutter.


Those must have been some seriously good coupons, to be worth all that.

The threatening behavior turned out to be the least of the duo’s problems. When backup arrived and police took the men into custody, they say they found the pair in possession of merchandise stolen from the store. And to top it all off, Caban allegedly assaulted an officer while he was being booked at police headquarters.

Collmer was charged, and indicted this week, on a single count of armed robbery. Caban was charged with the same, and a lot more, including threatening to kill, aggravated assault and illegal weapons possession.

The indictments clear the way for the cases to head to trial. Meantime, both men remain behind bars, Collmer on $50,000 bond and Caban on $200,000.

If convicted, it may be a while before they’re using coupons again. And possibly longer before they’re using sharp objects to cut them out.

Image sources: Flicker/Mike Mozart / Bergen County Sheriff’s Office

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