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If you haven’t checked out the new SaveInStore printable coupon site since it launched just over six months ago, you might want to have another look. It’s quickly grown to rival the size of the largest printable coupon sites on the web.

There’s also a new and easy way to check out what coupons are available – as one of only a handful of SaveInStore affiliate partner sites, you can now browse SaveInStore’s offers right here on Coupons in the News.

SaveInStore debuted last October, powered by the printable coupon company RevTrax. Its layout is different from other printable coupon sites, befitting the company’s goal of being different from its more traditional competitors.

Instead of featuring a gallery of available coupons, SaveInStore sorts them by brand. “Each page is client-branded to create an immersive and on-message experience for each brand’s consumers,” RevTrax Vice President of Product Management Mike Biafore told Coupons in the News. “Our approach is to present promotional offers in the full context of the brand’s image and message, not just as commoditized discounts.”

In other words, when you visit the site, or the dedicated SaveInStore page on Coupons in the News, you click on a brand you’re interested in, and you’re taken to that brand’s page to see all available offers for its products. Then you can print any of those offers, just as you do on other printable coupon sites.


Upon its launch, SaveInStore featured 25 separate brand pages with 35 individual printable coupons. Today, there are 43 brand pages and 93 available coupons. “That’s more offers than RedPlum, and closing in fast on SmartSource and Hopster,” RevTrax spokesperson Lindsay Durfee told Coupons in the News.

Coupons.com, of course, is the largest and most frequently updated printable coupon site. It has hundreds of available offers, with new coupons added daily. But there’s no clear “second place” competitor. RedPlum and SmartSource are big, recognizable names, but they’re best known for their Sunday paper coupon inserts, which they supplement with their not-as-frequently-updated printable sites. Hopster is poised to make a run at the big time, after its recent acquisition by the digital coupon provider Inmar, which is promising big things to come.

But SaveInStore’s quiet growth in a relatively short period of time, could ultimately help set the stage for it to eclipse the rest of the pack, and place it firmly behind industry leader Coupons.com.

And to some advertisers, what SaveInStore offers may even be preferable to appearing as part of a dizzying gallery of hundreds of coupons that RevTrax is fond of calling “commoditized discounts.” Visitors are prone to click, print and leave, to save on items they were probably going to buy anyway. Visitors to SaveInStore, in contrast, are exposed to each brand’s messaging. And as the site gets to know you and your preferences, it aims to present you with the offers you’re most likely to find appealing.

In the months to come, RevTrax promises that more brands and offers are on the way. “So SaveInStore is definitely here to stay,” Durfee said.

They say competition is good for the consumer. In the printable coupon space, with several sites stepping up their efforts to earn your attention and your business, it seems competition may be even better for the couponer.

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