

Did you know it’s National Soup Month? And that today is National Popcorn Day? Heck, yesterday was Peking Duck Day and it probably completely slipped your mind.

Lest you forget any future food holidays, Whole Foods Market has announced plans to celebrate a year’s worth of epicurean events with coupons, deals and special events. It all begins tomorrow, otherwise known as “National Cheese Lovers Day”.

“Whole Foods Market is all about sharing the love and joy of food, so we are thrilled to do just that with fun holidays throughout 2017,” Whole Foods’ vice president of operations David Lannon said in announcing the yearlong promotion. “Customers can expect the same great offers they love in stores, as well as fun surprises and celebrations on our social media channels all year long.”

Whole Foods marked National Cheese Lovers Day last year by offering 20% off organic cheeses. This year, all stores will host cheese sampling events. Whole Foods did not mention any discounts being offered this year.

So they’re kicking off a celebration by selling a promoted product at full price? How cheesy.


But next week, on January 26th, it’s National Green Juice Day. And Whole Foods plans to mark that occasion by offering a digital coupon via its mobile app, for $2 off any large juice or smoothie.

The store isn’t letting on what other commemorations it has planned, except to say that it will “celebrate at least one food holiday per month in 2017”. Food celebrations in past years included 25-cent coffee on National Coffee Day in September, 25-cent cookies on National Cookie Day in December, and a sale on pies and pizzas for National Pi Day in March. This year, Whole Foods says “shoppers can expect a mix of past favorites and new celebrations.”

The events could be seen as a way for Whole Foods to drum up some excitement and help reverse its fading fortunes. It’s tried lowering prices, introducing digital coupons, testing a loyalty program that’s expected to be available in all stores later this year, and it’s even launched an entire new value-priced chain. With everyone from Kroger to Walmart offering expanded organic selections these days, Whole Foods’ specialty isn’t so special anymore.

Will more discounts and deals help then? To a point, management believes. “Promotions and price investments are an integral part of our conversation, but we are not participating in a race to the bottom,” CEO John Mackey said in November. “This is always going to be about delivering the best quality food and experience to our customers.”

So bring on the cheese tastings and green juice coupons. And who knows what Whole Foods has on tap for the rest of the year? March is National Fresh Celery Month. April is National Soyfoods Month. And in November, the world drops what it’s doing to commemorate “National Fun with Fondue Month”.

Better mark your calendars and make plans to visit your local Whole Foods then. Whole Foods certainly hopes you will.

Image source: Whole Foods Market

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