Coupons In The News

"In America, You Find Coupons. In Future, Coupons Find You!"

“In America, You Find Coupons. In Future, Coupons Find You!”

Never mind the Yakov Smirnoff reference, this story isn’t about the 1980’s, it’s about the future… a future in which all you have to do is find a product you like at the store, show it to your phone and presto – coupons! IBM recently announced the development of what it calls an “augmented reality mobility shopping app”. In English,[Read More…]

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 9:32 PM Coupons In The News
Cops Crack Crooked Coupon Caper

Cops Crack Crooked Coupon Caper

Could we interest you in a coupon for $10.82 off Maxwell House coffee? $24 off a box of Huggies diapers? $60.99 off a bag of Royal Canin dog food? Well, sorry. Police in Phoenix, Arizona say those offers are no longer available. And neither are the people who were offering them. Investigators said today they’ve broken up a multi-million dollar[Read More…]

Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 8:37 PM Coupons In The News
Coupons In The News Debuts

Coupons In The News Debuts

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who consider coupon inserts as annoying things to toss aside when the Sunday newspaper arrives, and those who consider the Sunday newspaper as that wordy thing that’s wrapped around their coupon inserts. Oh, and then there are people who think, newspapers? Do they still make those? Anyway, whether it’s due[Read More…]

Monday, July 9, 2012, 7:00 AM Coupons In The News
A Couponing Tip: Don't Steal Your Customers' Coupons

A Couponing Tip: Don’t Steal Your Customers’ Coupons

Even supermarket cashiers can be amazed at the kind of coupon savings some of their customers achieve. Some even ask for couponing advice from their super-saving customers. Pick ‘n Save cashier Chandler C. Fry of suburban Milwaukee reportedly took it a step further. The Journal Times of Racine, Wisconsin reports that Fry has been arrested for allegedly buying items at[Read More…]

Sunday, July 8, 2012, 9:17 PM Coupons In The News
Coupons You Might Actually Use

Coupons You Might Actually Use

You know those blue envelopes you occasionally get in the mail, filled with coupons and flyers for local carpet-cleaning services, auto shops and restaurants across town that you’ve never been to?  Well, now those Valpak envelopes may soon include deals for companies and products that you’ve actually heard of. Valpak, which focuses on local deals, recently announced its acquisition of[Read More…]

Sunday, July 8, 2012, 8:20 PM Coupons In The News
Do You Have a Coupon For That Corned Beef?

Do You Have a Coupon For That Corned Beef?

Nothing says America like Old Glory, apple pie and the ability to fill a shopping cart with 62 bottles of mustard just because you have coupons for them. But soon, hoarding and shelf-clearing won’t be just an American phenomenon. Shoppers in Ireland are beginning to save on their meat and potatoes by getting into the coupon game. But they have[Read More…]

Friday, July 6, 2012, 11:34 AM Coupons In The News
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