Don’t Like Free Coupons? Join the “Do Not Toss” List!
A Louisiana community offers a unique solution for residents who don’t want coupons and ads thrown onto their property.
A Louisiana community offers a unique solution for residents who don’t want coupons and ads thrown onto their property.
A shopper is banned for life from an entire chain of stores, after arguing about a pricing mistake.
CVS apologizes to a couponer after a manager calls police on her, in what may have been a case of racial profiling.
Build-A-Bear offers a high-value coupon to help make up for a promotion that was too popular for its own good.
P&G now offers printable coupons that expire the day after you print them.
Hopster announces it will be getting out of the printable coupon business.
A Florida city official who made headlines for his involvement in a coupon dispute, finds out his fate after colleagues deliberate his future.
Bed Bath & Beyond’s paid membership program may be giving away more discounts than the company can afford.
A Florida city official’s job is in jeopardy, after he was involved in a dispute over an expired coupon.
Two competing coupon code sites prepare for a court battle over the methods they use to apply online discounts.