Grocery & Retail News

Legal Challenges to the "Walmart Challenge"

Legal Challenges to the “Walmart Challenge”

January 7 update: read “Walmart Responds to Competitors’ Challenge”. It started with supermarkets, then drug stores, then toy and electronics stores, too. Now a number of retailers are crying foul, and asking authorities to investigate the “Walmart Challenge”. The nearly year-old TV, radio, print and online campaign is officially known within Walmart as the “Market Basket Challenge”. The ads are[Read More…]

Friday, January 4, 2013, 10:32 PM Grocery & Retail News
Never Mind Valentine's Day, It's Time for Easter Candy!

Never Mind Valentine’s Day, It’s Time for Easter Candy!

You hear the comments and complaints every year, as holiday products seem to appear on store shelves earlier and earlier. Halloween candy before the kids are even back to school, Christmas goodies before anyone’s even trick-or-treated yet. Even before we rang in 2013, some stores began stocking Valentine’s Day candy and cards. But others are looking even further down the[Read More…]

Friday, January 4, 2013, 8:40 AM Grocery & Retail News
Storied Supermarket Chain Fades Into Oblivion

Storied Supermarket Chain Fades Into Oblivion

(Update: The Audubon store is set to close on May 27, 2015, officially bringing down the curtain on Genuardi’s for good.) And then there was one. By next month, the nearly century-old story of the Genuardi’s supermarket chain will end just as it began – with a single store in southeastern Pennsylvania. If you’re not familiar with the store, you[Read More…]

Thursday, January 3, 2013, 2:27 PM Grocery & Retail News

Can the “Can Can” Sell Cans? You Bet It Can!

The music is from a 155-year-old French operetta; the dance associated with it is even older. But to at least two generations of Northeastern grocery shoppers, the “can can” is that song from the ShopRite commercials that sticks in your head every January. ShopRite, which has about 250 stores in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Connecticut, launches[Read More…]

Thursday, January 3, 2013, 12:01 AM Grocery & Retail News
Milk Prices Won't Double - But Why Are They So High Anyway?

Milk Prices Won’t Double – But Why Are They So High Anyway?

If you found it hard to follow the “fiscal cliff” story, you may have been too weary to try to wrap your head around the related “milk cliff” story – though the shorthand was a bit easier to understand: the price of a gallon of milk will double overnight! Thankfully, that won’t happen this year. But there’s always next year.[Read More…]

Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 10:55 AM Grocery & Retail News
Mass Confusion in Massachusetts? Grocery Price Tags Disappear Overnight

Mass Confusion in Massachusetts? Grocery Price Tags Disappear Overnight

If you do any grocery shopping in Massachusetts today, please be kind to the bewildered shoppers wandering the aisles looking lost and confused. Beginning today, stores in the Bay State no longer have to have price stickers on them. Price stickers? What is this, the 1970’s? No, but a law that finally reached its expiration date last night was a[Read More…]

Tuesday, January 1, 2013, 9:44 AM Grocery & Retail News
New Foods (And Hopefully Coupons) To Watch For in 2013

New Foods (And Hopefully Coupons) To Watch For in 2013

How’d you like to try a snack bar spiked with caffeine? Chewable Gatorade? Oatmeal you can pop into your toaster? Or perhaps drinkable Cap’n Crunch? Those are just a few of the products that are, or could be, on their way to your local grocery store shelves in 2013. A number of manufacturers have released details of new grocery products[Read More…]

Friday, December 28, 2012, 11:34 PM Grocery & Retail News
Big Brother Can Help You Shop Smarter

Big Brother Can Help You Shop Smarter

It’s almost time for New Year’s resolutions. And if your goal is to make better decisions in the grocery store and lose weight in the new year, maybe the government can help. It’s a common complaint about coupons, that most seem to be for things that aren’t good for you (read: “An Extreme Couponer Who’s Had Enough”). Truth is, a[Read More…]

Friday, December 28, 2012, 2:50 PM Grocery & Retail News
Pundits Predict Lower Grocery Prices

Pundits Predict Lower Grocery Prices

If everyone’s prices are low, are anyone’s prices really low? While you ponder that, consider this recent prediction from the retail consultant AMG Strategic Advisors: within three years, the vast majority of retailers will largely ditch sales and promotions in favor of everyday low pricing. Super-savers accustomed to collecting coupons and waiting for sales may shudder at the thought; Walmart[Read More…]

Wednesday, December 26, 2012, 10:26 PM Grocery & Retail News
Today is the Busiest Grocery Day of the Year! Unless It's Not.

Today is the Busiest Grocery Day of the Year! Unless It’s Not.

If you need to do some last-minute grocery shopping today, join the crowds. Christmas Eve Day just might be the busiest day of the year at your local supermarket. Unless it was yesterday. Or Saturday, or maybe the day before Thanksgiving. No one’s sure exactly. “Historically, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for the grocery[Read More…]

Monday, December 24, 2012, 11:50 AM Grocery & Retail News
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