Coupons In The News

Newspapers Are Dying and It's All Your Fault

Newspapers Are Dying and It’s All Your Fault

It seems couponers have been keeping newspapers alive – and fewer couponers could kill them. So if you’re not clipping coupons as much as you used to, you may find yourself with no more coupons to clip. At least that’s according to a recent Poynter Institute report. “The super-couponing craze, at its peak in the spring and summer of 2011,[Read More…]

Monday, November 26, 2012, 3:23 PM Coupons In The News
Score Big Black Friday Coupons Without Having to Shop on Black Friday

Score Big Black Friday Coupons Without Having to Shop on Black Friday

There will be plenty of deals and loads of coupons to use this Black Friday, and we’re not about to attempt to document them all here. But there are a few worth noting that could score you major high-value coupons to use whenever you’d like – without having to venture out on Black Friday at all. First, JCPenney, which offers[Read More…]

Monday, November 19, 2012, 10:27 PM Coupons In The News
Target: Price Matching is Nice, Because No One Actually Does It

Target: Price Matching is Nice, Because No One Actually Does It

Price matching is the hot thing this season. But for all the attention given to Target‘s expanded holiday price match policy, the offer is so limited and cumbersome that even Target admits it expects few people to use it. Target made a splash last month, when it announced it would match select online retailers’ prices. It’s part of an effort[Read More…]

Sunday, November 18, 2012, 8:20 AM Coupons In The News
"Extreme Couponing" Ratings Show We're Not Tired of it Yet

“Extreme Couponing” Ratings Show We’re Not Tired of it Yet

Critics may roll their eyes at “Extreme Couponing”, and non-extreme couponers may cringe – but somebody’s watching. The fourth season debut of the TLC show earned respectable ratings last night, indicating that the coupon craze – and the show that helped to fuel it – isn’t running out of steam just yet. Tuesday’s season premiere drew 1.028 million viewers. It’s[Read More…]

Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 9:09 PM Coupons In The News
The Economy Gets Better, Coupons Get Worse

The Economy Gets Better, Coupons Get Worse

Coupons can come in handy when you don’t have a job, or an income. But once your employment situation improves, it’s time to toss the coupons and blow your money on full-priced groceries! Ok, so that’s not such a smart idea. But it’s happening. According to third-quarter statistics from the coupon processing company Inmar, coupon redemption plummeted nearly 23% compared[Read More…]

Monday, November 12, 2012, 7:42 PM Coupons In The News
JCPenney: No Coupons or Sales, But Plenty of Gimmicks

JCPenney: No Coupons or Sales, But Plenty of Gimmicks

As earnings continue to free-fall at JCPenney, nearly a year into its “no more coupons, no more sales” strategy, the store’s management continues to insist it’s on the right track. That is, if you consider a loss of several billion dollars to be the “right track.” But hey, they’re giving away free buttons, and haircuts for the kids! The company[Read More…]

Sunday, November 11, 2012, 8:26 AM Coupons In The News
Second Coupon Counterfeiter Pleads Guilty

Second Coupon Counterfeiter Pleads Guilty

Two down, one to go. A second suspect in the massive counterfeit coupon ring that was busted in Phoenix this summer, has changed her plea to guilty. During a court hearing today, 42-year-old Amiko Fountain pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of counterfeiting. Additional charges of forgery and fraud will be dropped. The plea agreement matches that of co-defendant Marilyn[Read More…]

Friday, November 9, 2012, 8:29 PM Coupons In The News
Alleged Coupon Thief Collared With 600 Newspapers

Alleged Coupon Thief Collared With 600 Newspapers

There’s a new twist to the increasing (or increasingly-reported) trend of stealing newspapers to get at the coupons inside. A case in Ohio appears to have been something of an inside job. 45-year-old Paul Donohew of Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia was arrested earlier this week on the other side of the Ohio River in Gallipolis, Ohio. Acting on a tip,[Read More…]

Friday, November 9, 2012, 2:00 PM Coupons In The News
More Coupon Fine Print Confusion Cleared Up

More Coupon Fine Print Confusion Cleared Up

Does the fine print on some recent coupons have you scratching your head? A couple of manufacturers now say they’re working to clear up some particularly confusing coupon language. Back in August, couponers noticed some odd wording on Post product coupons (Read: “Fine Print Confounds Couponers”). The coupons read, “Only 4 like items may be purchased in same transaction.” At[Read More…]

Thursday, November 8, 2012, 9:32 PM Coupons In The News
When Voting and Coupons Collide

When Voting and Coupons Collide

Did you get a freebie this week in honor of Election Day? Hope you enjoyed it – because it could land you in prison. Seriously. In much the same way that holidays like Presidents’ Day and Columbus Day have become excuses for stores to offer sales and discounts, a growing number of retailers have been offering freebies in honor of[Read More…]

Thursday, November 8, 2012, 1:51 PM Coupons In The News
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