When Is a Coupon Not a Coupon? That’s the $8.7 Million Question.
A federal court issues a key ruling about when a “discount” is actually a “coupon”.
A federal court issues a key ruling about when a “discount” is actually a “coupon”.
A judge lets stand a challenge to Hobby Lobby’s confusing and controversial pricing and couponing practices.
A fresh chicken brand introduces a new “virtual assistant” that will provide coupons and information directly to your phone.
A federal judge throws out a lawsuit claiming Costco owed “tens of millions of dollars” to overcharged customers.
Two customers and two Walgreens supervisors are charged with using lollipops as part of a scam to get free gift cards.
New figures reveal exactly what types of coupons are most popular, and what shoppers are saving the most on.
Eight grocery employees are convicted of taking customers’ coupons and using them to reduce their own grocery bills.
Walgreens devalues points and limits reward redemptions in upcoming changes to its Balance Rewards program.
A free coupon giveaway doesn’t go as planned, leaving many ice cream fans empty-handed and disappointed.
Two men are charged with using counterfeit Pepsi coupons at a grocery store far from home.