Grocery & Retail News

Whole Foods' Gift Cards Are Better Than Yours

Whole Foods’ Gift Cards Are Better Than Yours

You don’t get the “paper or plastic?” question at Whole Foods Market very often. The green grocery chain did away with plastic bags several years ago, and now it’s sending plastic gift cards to the scrap heap – er, recycling bin – too. Whole Foods has announced that it will introduce two new types of gift cards – one made[Read More…]

Monday, September 3, 2012, 12:27 PM Grocery & Retail News
Cheap Gas at Walmart! And Kroger. But Safeway? It's Complicated.

Cheap Gas at Walmart! And Kroger. But Safeway? It’s Complicated.

Walmart apparently will stop at nothing to ensure you never go anywhere other than Walmart to buy anything ever again. Not only does the store want you to fill your shopping cart there, now it wants you to fill your tank there, too. Beginning today, through Christmas Eve, Walmart is offering a discount of up to 15 cents per gallon[Read More…]

Friday, August 31, 2012, 2:00 AM Grocery & Retail News
One Gallon of Milk? Ten Bucks, Please.

One Gallon of Milk? Ten Bucks, Please.

A “$1 off” coupon for Pampers doesn’t help much when a box costs $73.99.  Good luck finding a coupon for a 12-pack of Schweppes ginger ale that will even make a dent in the $82.49 price tag.  And a single pack of gum will set you back $3.59. The prices in the photos above are no joke – that’s what[Read More…]

Monday, August 27, 2012, 9:00 AM Grocery & Retail News
Grocery Stores Tussle in Tennessee

Grocery Stores Tussle in Tennessee

It’s not just Walmart that’s taking out full-page newspaper ads to compare its receipts with its competitors’. The same kind of ad war is also happening in a mid-sized Southern city that’s suddenly becoming a whole lot more competitive. Kroger and the new-in-town Publix are battling it out in Knoxville, Tennessee, with a series of newspaper ads that illustrate the[Read More…]

Sunday, August 26, 2012, 7:00 AM Grocery & Retail News
The Low-Price Leader: Target. Really!

The Low-Price Leader: Target. Really!

As Walmart continues to run ads across the country, comparing its prices to supermarkets’, maybe it should have been keeping its eye on Target. Because Target has now toppled Walmart as the low-price leader – at least temporarily. A new Bloomberg Industries report finds that Target had lower prices overall than Walmart this month, for the first time since last[Read More…]

Friday, August 24, 2012, 8:30 PM Grocery & Retail News
Walmart Kicks Its Challenge Up a Notch

Walmart Kicks Its Challenge Up a Notch

There’s a new wrinkle in Walmart’s series of advertisements that challenge shoppers to compare receipts from other stores with receipts for the same items purchased at Walmart. Now, you can accept their challenge without even having to go to Walmart – they’ll do the price comparison for you. In what a Walmart spokesperson tells us is “very, very, very much[Read More…]

Tuesday, August 21, 2012, 8:49 PM Grocery & Retail News
The Walmart Challenge: A Competitor Fights Back

The Walmart Challenge: A Competitor Fights Back

Walmart is trumpeting the success of its “Walmart Challenge” ad campaign, but one competitor isn’t taking the challenge lying down. It’s fighting back with its own series of ads, pointing out that price isn’t everything. “Our butchers cut and grind our beef several times throughout the day every day, right in the store, so it’s always fresh for your family,”[Read More…]

Monday, August 20, 2012, 2:05 PM Grocery & Retail News
Drug Stores Duel For Your Devotion

Drug Stores Duel For Your Devotion

If you’re not already loyal to one of the country’s three major drug store chains, the trio is stepping up the battle for your business. But whether some of their new savings plans are actually improvements over what they have now, is up for debate. First up, Walgreens, the largest American drug store chain, has announced details of its entry[Read More…]

Saturday, August 18, 2012, 12:13 AM Grocery & Retail News
Say Hi to a Hyped-Up Hy-Vee

Say Hi to a Hyped-Up Hy-Vee

The president’s in town. Yawn. So is his opponent’s newly-minted running mate. Snooze. But there’s a giant new supermarket opening today in Urbandale, Iowa! Make way for the crowds! The grand opening of a new $20 million, 95,000+ square foot Hy-Vee is all the buzz in this suburban Des Moines community. Customers who just couldn’t wait to see it began[Read More…]

Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 6:00 AM Grocery & Retail News
Scratches, Dents - Oh, And Putrid Dumpster Meat, Too

Scratches, Dents – Oh, And Putrid Dumpster Meat, Too

Last week, we brought you the story about the growing popularity of “scratch-and-dent” discount grocery stores (read: Seeking Out Groceries That Are Dented, Expired, Discontinued – And Cheap.) Maybe we should have called them “scratch-and-dent-and-rotten-and-stolen from other supermarkets’ dumpsters” stores. At least in one particularly icky case. Rodney Sparks of Monrovia, Maryland was arraigned earlier this week, on charges that[Read More…]

Wednesday, August 8, 2012, 9:00 PM Grocery & Retail News
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