There Are Now Fewer Food Coupons – Or Any Coupons – Than Ever
Coupon availability slumps to a new low, with food coupons particularly hard to find.
Coupon availability slumps to a new low, with food coupons particularly hard to find.
Coupons in the News marks its 10th anniversary, with a look at how couponing has changed, and how it hasn’t.
A new study finds shoppers have become less price sensitive, are using fewer coupons and willingly paying more at the grocery store.
Coupon use plummets to new lows, even as shoppers say coupons are becoming more important to them.
New figures show that coupon redemption has sunk again to a historic low.
The total number of available coupons has once again suffered a steep decline.
Prices increase, couponing declines, Hollywood tackles coupon fraud and so do federal authorities – these were the top Coupons in the News stories of 2021.
The long decline in coupon use finally appears to be leveling off, and might even begin to reverse.
As coupon use continues to decline this year, marketers are urged to offer more and better deals.
The number of available coupons continues to decline so far this year, though not quite as sharply as last year.