
If a coupon policy changes and no one is told about it, does it save anyone any money?

No need to spend too much time pondering that philosophical question, because the word is out – Kroger is publicly confirming a notable coupon policy change that it actually made months ago. And the “digitally disconnected” who have become increasingly vocal over the past year, now stand to benefit – to an extent.

The country’s largest traditional grocery chain has officially formalized a once-informal policy of offering digital coupons and other digital-only discounts upon request, to shoppers without digital accounts or the means to download the offers. The change was quietly made earlier this year to the coupon policies posted on the websites of Kroger and all of its owned stores, with the exception of Harris Teeter. But apparently none of them ever mentioned it to anyone until this past week.

That’s when Kroger’s hometown TV news station WCPO in Cincinnati, Ohio did a story about digital coupons, and a Kroger spokesperson mentioned that “customers who would like to take advantage of digital coupons and do not have a digital account, can receive the discounted pricing at any customer service desk.” That news quickly spread, as older, lower-income and less-digitally-savvy shoppers learned that they will no longer be excluded from the savings that their more digitally-connected counterparts receive.

That was a key request from a coalition of consumer groups led by Consumer World founder Edgar Dworsky, who wrote a letter to Kroger and eleven other grocery chains last year, urging them to “help remedy the discriminatory and exclusionary nature of digital-only offers” for the benefit of “the millions without internet access or a smartphone” who can’t take advantage of digital-only deals.

So you might think that Kroger would eagerly reply to the letter and show how responsive it is to its customers’ concerns by publicly proclaiming its commitment to inclusivity. Instead, the retailer seems to have simply tweaked its coupon policy and waited for digitally-disconnected shoppers – who by definition don’t have the ability to see the updated policy on Kroger’s website – to notice.

“Customers who choose to participate in the digital coupon program are required to have a digital account with a valid, active Plus Card,” the policy had stated as late as February of this year. “A valid Plus Card or an Alternate ID is required to access a digital account in order to use digital coupons at the time of purchase,” it went on. But by March, the policy had changed. It now says that “Shopper Card holders who do not have a digital account may receive the discounted pricing offered in a digital coupon or offer by speaking to an associate at any customer service desk. Customers will be required to show their Shopper’s Card or provide their Alternate ID.”

So you do still need to be a member of Kroger’s or your Kroger-owned store’s loyalty program. You just don’t have to clip the digital offers yourself anymore. That’s just what the consumer groups’ letter last year proposed, as it suggested several potential solutions to the digital divide, such as “empower customer service personnel to provide refunds for missing digital discounts,” or “empower cashiers to charge the digital price upon request.”

But will Kroger’s workaround really work? The policy as written, and Kroger’s public statement, doesn’t address whether shoppers need to visit customer service before going through checkout, or after they’ve already paid for their purchases. Kroger representatives have not responded to several requests for comment, though a customer service representative clarified that shoppers should visit customer service first, to get assistance loading digital discounts to their account before checking out.

Is it fair, though, to make digitally-disconnected shoppers wait in two lines to get access to advertised savings, while their ice cream melts? Will shoppers have to specify exactly which discount they want applied, or can they ask a customer service employee to apply all of the discounts for which they’re eligible? Will Kroger customer service employees dread this new time-consuming responsibility and rue the day this became official policy?

“This is certainly a step in the right direction for Kroger,” Dworsky told Coupons in the News. But it’s a needlessly complicated half measure, he believes. “Kroger and all its competitors would do well to adopt one of the two easiest in-store alternatives for the non-digital shopper: Simply allow the customer to request the digital discount at the checkout, or install a coupon kiosk where all a shopper has to do is scan their loyalty card or enter their phone number to automatically load all that week’s digital-only offers onto their account.”

Kroger hasn’t said what prompted its policy change. It could be seen as a concession to the digitally-disconnected, though it comes just as Kroger also decided to eliminate the distribution of printed sales circulars in most markets, which is precisely the opposite of a concession to the digitally-disconnected.

Regardless of its motivation, the apparently voluntary coupon policy change pre-empts any potential legislative effort that would require Kroger and others to address the digital divide. Until and unless its planned merger with Albertsons is approved, Kroger doesn’t currently have any stores in New York or New Jersey, where bills are pending that would require retailers to provide offline alternatives to digital-only discounts. But Kroger does have stores in Illinois, where similar legislation was proposed earlier this year. Of the three, the New Jersey bill has progressed the furthest on its way to potentially becoming law. It states that a retailer “that offers a digital coupon shall also make available to a consumer an in-store alternative that would allow the consumer to obtain the same product, service, or benefit at the same price, discount, or on the same terms as that provided by the digital coupon.”

It’s worth noting that, for years, many Kroger stores have actually, unofficially, offered the very customer courtesy that Kroger has now formalized. And many Kroger employees don’t particularly seem to like it. “If you make a big enough scene at the service desk, they’ll give you the digital price to shut you up and get you to leave,” one commenter wrote recently on a Kroger employee online message board. “I hate these coupons as an employee for these reasons.” Another complained it was “an absolute b**** to hold up the line and add together all their digital savings. Not to mention running around to check because they know it’s on sale but not for how much.”

A third commenter expressed little sympathy for those who can’t clip their own digital coupons. “Downloading digital coupons is no more difficult than cutting out paper coupons,” this employee wrote. “Imagine if, 25 years ago, a customer came in without a coupon, offering lame excuses like ‘I don’t get the Sunday paper’ or ‘I don’t believe in scissors’ while asking for the discount anyway. We would have laughed at them… We shouldn’t be coddling them.”

Many shoppers who are, in fact, digitally-engaged still complain that stores force them to jump through hoops just to get the advertised savings. While digitally-disconnected shoppers are no longer excluded from digital-only savings at Kroger, they’re having to jump through even more hoops to get the same savings as most other shoppers. So it could be that this policy change – together with the Kroger coupon policy’s gentle suggestion that in order “to receive the most comprehensive, personalized benefits from the digital coupon program, we encourage customers to sign up for a Shopper’s Card and create a digital account on our website or mobile app” – is all just a ploy to show how much easier it is to download your own digital discounts, as compared to asking customer service to do it for you every time.

Easier for some shoppers, perhaps. The rest, the consumers groups’ letter urged retailers, ought to have “equal access to your offers.” True “equality” may be in the eye of the beholder. But now, at least, for the digitally-disconnected Kroger shopper – it’s a start.

Image source: Kroger


  1. Digital coupons are a pain in the butt. They have actually reduced the shopping I do at kroger. The few times I go to kroger now, I intentionally avoid the digital coupon items. I tried using them on about a half a dozen trips to kroger, but it was such a pain in the butt. They could limit the number of times you use a coupon directly from the discount card that is so easy to use. Or be even more friendly and get rid of coupon limits. What’s the difference of someone using several accounts to make multiple digital coupon purchases, or just using the savings card?

  2. The employees take great pleasure in shaming those who do not have access to downloading digital coupons. ““Downloading digital coupons is no more difficult than cutting out paper coupons,” That just goes to show how disconnected these employees are. Not everyone has a smart phone. Not everyone can afford the smartphone plans. This is classist, elitist, ageist, and ableist.

    Not everyone has wifi at home. Not everyone has access to stable wifi or an updated computer system. All of these items cost in the hundreds of dollars. This is a HIGH barrier to access on necessities. I don’t care if they do that on furniture, electronics, or knick knacks. I do care if they do it on necessities.

    These employees need to stop shaming people. A pair of scissors does not cost as much as a computer or cell phone (with a costly cell phone plan). A few dollars versus hundreds of dollars. This is blatant discrimination against certain demographics.

    I have neighbors who have visual difficulties and do not own a cell phone. They have landlines. One has macular and is in her late seventies. So you are saying it is bull**** that this individual on a fixed income should not be able to access equitable pricing and has to put up with sanctimonious employees who have no clue on how difficult it is to see a small screen when vision is affected by macular? When the person has to choose between food and the price of a cell phone plan and a phone they cannot use?

    This is blatant discrimination. By no means can you equate this to using scissors. Digital coupons are a HIGH barrier to accessing equitable pricing on necessities, such as food, groceries and household items. This is exclusionary. If employees are so angered by that, think of those who are being priced out and who are really being gouged for the same food items that someone with an iPhone can access.

    This really frosts me to no end. Discrimination. High Barrier to access.
    Back in the day, if I could not get to the store because I was working two or three jobs. I could have a friend pick up some groceries for me — I would give them the coupons and a shopping list. Try that with digital coupons. Not even possible.

    Slow wifi. I have friend who lives in an area that has unstable and very slow Wifi service. Out of curiosity we timed how long it took to access the Kroger site to see the digital sales circular since they no longer provide the paper one. It took close to 30 minutes to load one of the pages and to go from page 1 to page 2. So painful. With a paper circular, it only takes me 5 minutes to peruse all four pages, make out my list and be out the door, with the paper coupons in my pocket.

    The great digital divide is exactly that — it is divisive, and not equally accessible. It requires a high point of entry (pricey WiFi service, costly computer systems and smartphones fully charged). Another aspect people forget is that most of these apps they so freely download on their computers or phones have serious security backdoors.. These apps collect data about you, where you live, and where you are at all times of the day — trackers. A paper coupons only provided aggregate data; your cell phone app provides very specific rich data about you, where you live and where you are at any one point in time. These corporations sell of tis data — very rich data garners more money for them. There’s gold in them ‘dar digital hills.

  3. As a very low income(SS)person I relied on my gas points to help me!…I have been a very loyal customer here in my town for 20yrs and now they are taking a very vital program away from me!😢
    I shop Kroger for the points and the very nice people there who take good care of me👍🙏
    Guess I won’t be so loyal moving forward unless prices go down to them not paying out fuel rewards!! Ya right!!!

  4. How about skip coupons & clipping. Just advertise & offer your best & lowest price to everyone equally. No clipping no coupons. Like at Walmart or Aldis. Everyone that walks thru your door gets the same treatment & deals. Period.

    • Exactly why I shop those places more then kroger. However, the people at kroger are much nicer, and the produce is better at kroger. So when the apples at Walmart look like crap, I just don’t buy them.

  5. Kroger should have to have a kiosk instore since there is no ad paper to browse and not all have a computer. Its very dishartning. I just go to food lion where there is a kiosk that puts all coupons on my card

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