Post Tagged with: "Stop & Shop"

How Do Your Store Brands Stack Up?

How Do Your Store Brands Stack Up?

A new survey ranks grocery stores based on the quality of their private-label products.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 7:13 AM Grocery & Retail News
How Much Do You "Like" Your Grocery Store?

How Much Do You “Like” Your Grocery Store?

You may like your local grocery store just fine, but it takes a real commitment to show the world – or at least your Facebook friends – that you “like” it. Occasional customer satisfaction surveys have declared certain supermarkets to be the most or least liked of all, but a look at how many grocery shoppers have hit the thumbs-up[Read More…]

Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 11:02 AM Grocery & Retail News
Let the Government Do Your Grocery Shopping!

Let the Government Do Your Grocery Shopping!

In honor of today’s 237th birthday of our nation, officials in the Cradle of Liberty are celebrating with concerts, fireworks – and by comparison pricing your groceries for you. Who needs the Walmart Challenge, when the government is hard at work determining which supermarket has the best prices for your Fourth of July picnic items? In a survey designed to[Read More…]

Thursday, July 4, 2013, 10:00 AM Grocery & Retail News
Retailers Rebuff Snipsnap: So Is This App Ill-Advised, or Illegal?

Retailers Rebuff Snipsnap: So Is This App Ill-Advised, or Illegal?

For a coupon app that boasts that it “works at most retailers,” retailers across the country are lining up in opposition to SnipSnap.

Friday, June 7, 2013, 10:17 AM Coupons In The News
Your Grocery Store Wants to be Your Facebook Friend

Your Grocery Store Wants to be Your Facebook Friend

Not all that long ago, the idea of interacting and chatting with your favorite grocery store online seemed improbable, if not pointless. With the advent of Facebook, though, it’s become the norm. And any store that’s not a part of the social network is seen as something of an online outcast. Now, one longtime Facebook holdout has jumped on the[Read More…]

Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 11:15 AM Grocery & Retail News
Celebrate Earth Day With Grocery Coupons & Savings

Celebrate Earth Day With Grocery Coupons & Savings

After a week like this one, we could all use a little something to celebrate this weekend. And many of your local stores are helping out, by offering coupons, sales and freebies in honor of Earth Day. Target has the biggest giveaway on offer this Sunday. The chain will be handing out 1.5 million reusable bags, along with $40 worth[Read More…]

Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:28 AM Coupons In The News
Walmart Plans to Introduce Digital Coupons

Walmart Plans to Introduce Digital Coupons

Want to save even more at Walmart? The company has announced it will soon be offering digital coupons – but not in the way you’re likely accustomed to them. The news came yesterday during a media event at Walmart’s e-commerce offices in Silicon Valley, California. The digital coupons will be tied in with the new “Scan and Go” app, which[Read More…]

Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 10:05 AM Coupons In The News
Who Will Blink First on Credit Card Swipe Fees?

Who Will Blink First on Credit Card Swipe Fees?

If you’re going shopping this weekend, and paying with a credit card – watch out. Beginning Sunday, stores can charge you extra for it. Under the terms of a settlement reached last year, stores will have the option of adding a surcharge for credit card payments – passing the cost that they already pay to the credit card companies, on[Read More…]

Friday, January 25, 2013, 3:10 PM Grocery & Retail News
Never Mind Valentine's Day, It's Time for Easter Candy!

Never Mind Valentine’s Day, It’s Time for Easter Candy!

You hear the comments and complaints every year, as holiday products seem to appear on store shelves earlier and earlier. Halloween candy before the kids are even back to school, Christmas goodies before anyone’s even trick-or-treated yet. Even before we rang in 2013, some stores began stocking Valentine’s Day candy and cards. But others are looking even further down the[Read More…]

Friday, January 4, 2013, 8:40 AM Grocery & Retail News
A New Winner in the Grocery Price Wars

A New Winner in the Grocery Price Wars

It’s not Walmart. It’s not even Aldi. The new grocery low-price leader is – would you believe – Dollar General? That’s not what Walmart would have you believe. The company trumpeted its price leadership at an investors conference last week, and the Wall Street Journal today headlined a Deutsche Bank price-comparison study that crowned Walmart the cheapest option. But while[Read More…]

Monday, October 15, 2012, 10:19 PM Grocery & Retail News
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