Coupons In The News

Starbucks Pushes Blonde Roast With Freebies, Coupons

Starbucks Pushes Blonde Roast With Freebies, Coupons

Starbucks really wants you to try its latest coffee roast, so it’s giving out millions of free cups – and coupons, too. Nearly a year to the day after introducing Blonde Roast, “Starbucks’ first true light roast coffee,” the coffee maker today launched a big push to promote it. It’s offering a free Tall (12 fl. oz.) Starbucks Blonde coffee[Read More…]

Monday, January 7, 2013, 9:51 AM Coupons In The News
Are Your Favorite Coupon Blogs Infecting Your Computer?

Are Your Favorite Coupon Blogs Infecting Your Computer?

If you’ve tried and failed to get onto some of your favorite coupon blogs today, you may have wondered if your hunt for coupons ended with your computer picking up a virus. Escalate Network, a third-party ad network that provides printable coupon links to thousands of websites (including Coupons in the News), was identified by Google earlier today as being[Read More…]

Thursday, January 3, 2013, 9:31 PM Coupons In The News
Sunday's Coupons, 1/6/13 - The "Largest in History!"

Sunday’s Coupons, 1/6/13 – The “Largest in History!”

This is not your typical Sunday coupon preview. After one of the longest coupon insert dry spells ever, comes one of the largest coupon insert bonanzas ever. Two RedPlum and three Smartsource inserts are scheduled for release this weekend, with many due to receive an additional Johnson & Johnson Target coupon insert to boot. It’s not unusual for RedPlum to[Read More…]

Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 9:31 PM Coupons In The News, Coupons You Can Use
Kellogg's Coupons, Customer Loyalty and a Surprise Ending

Kellogg’s Coupons, Customer Loyalty and a Surprise Ending

We’ll begin with the most current coupon news, involving Kellogg’s – but then stick around for some background, a little history and a surprising twist at the end. Piqued your interest yet? First off, Kellogg’s is launching another effort to build interest in its new customer loyalty program. Beginning today, January 2nd through the 4th, it’s offering triple points for[Read More…]

Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 12:01 AM Coupons In The News
News To Snooze To: The Least Popular Stories of 2012

News To Snooze To: The Least Popular Stories of 2012

As promised, a counterpart to yesterday’s Top Stories of 2012. Just for fun, here’s a look at some stories you probably missed in 2012. For whatever reason, these just didn’t seem to resonate. Some are worth a look – others, well, maybe there’s a reason no one wanted to read them the first time around. 11. Wealthy Island is Grocery[Read More…]

Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:26 AM Coupons In The News
Coupons in the News: The Top Stories of 2012

Coupons in the News: The Top Stories of 2012

Everyone else does year-end Top 10 lists at this time of year, so how about a look at the top coupon stories of 2012? We’ll even throw in an extra and make it a Top 11 list. Even though Coupons in the News has only been around since July, a look at the most popular posts these past six months[Read More…]

Sunday, December 30, 2012, 12:10 AM Coupons In The News
Walgreens Balance Rewards: Many Have Signed Up, Few Have Cashed In

Walgreens Balance Rewards: Many Have Signed Up, Few Have Cashed In

Walgreens‘ new loyalty program is off to a strong start. But, so far at least, few people who have signed up are taking full advantage of the program. Since its launch in September (read: “Walgreens’ ‘Balance Rewards’ Begins”), more than 45 million people have signed up to participate in Balance Rewards. It took a year and a half for rival[Read More…]

Sunday, December 23, 2012, 9:50 AM Coupons In The News
JCP's Social Strategy

JCP’s Social Strategy

Even as journalists and investors continue writing JCPenney’s obituary, you may have noticed that your favorite deals blogger is suddenly very excited about the company. “Have you seen the new JCP?” one asks. “Have you seen the new JCP?” asks another. “The store has a whole new look that I can’t wait to shop!” writes a third. “The store has[Read More…]

Friday, December 21, 2012, 3:09 PM Coupons In The News
Ibotta: "Earn Cash Every Time You Shop"

Ibotta: “Earn Cash Every Time You Shop”

Just two and a half months after its launch, the new grocery savings app Ibotta is celebrating the signup of its 100,000th user. Now, that number is about to grow even larger – the previously Apple-only app is now available for Android users as well. “We are thrilled to bring Ibotta to Android, the world’s most widely used smartphone platform,”[Read More…]

Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 12:18 PM Coupons In The News
Sunday's Coupons - An Extra-Long Holiday Drought Begins

Sunday’s Coupons – An Extra-Long Holiday Drought Begins

This is where you’d normally read a “Sunday’s Coupons – 12/16/12” update. But there will be none this week, nor will there be a “Sunday’s Coupons – 12/23/12”. And it will be slim pickings the following weekend as well. For the first time in recent memory, both SmartSource and RedPlum are taking an extra-long holiday vacation. Neither coupon insert publisher[Read More…]

Saturday, December 15, 2012, 6:00 AM Coupons In The News, Coupons You Can Use
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