Coupons In The News

"Extreme Couponing" Pays Off, For Producers

“Extreme Couponing” Pays Off, For Producers

Love it or hate it, much of the credit (or blame) for the current coupon craze has to go to TLC’s TV series “Extreme Couponing”. It’s been a hit for TLC, but a lightning rod for critics who say it glorifies hoarding, displays questionable couponing ethics and even seems to condone outright fraud. But if any of it phases the[Read More…]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 8:33 AM Coupons In The News
Don't Invade My Privacy! Unless You Have Coupons. Then It's Ok.

Don’t Invade My Privacy! Unless You Have Coupons. Then It’s Ok.

When it comes to privacy in this age of data collection and identity theft, many savvy consumers are careful about what personal information they’re willing to share. That said, we’re apparently willing to lower our guard for a Cheez Doodles coupon. A new poll commissioned by digital advertising company Placecast asked how people feel about companies’ use of their personal[Read More…]

Saturday, July 21, 2012, 3:55 PM Coupons In The News
A Shopping Spree That Would Make a Couponer Cringe

A Shopping Spree That Would Make a Couponer Cringe

Once upon a time, 61-year-old Molly Perry went into a Fayetteville, North Carolina grocery store, ignored the sale ad, grabbed more than $500 worth of stuff – and didn’t use a single coupon! What is she, Fayetteville’s richest retired nurse?? No, she was just the winner of a contest that awarded her a two-minute shopping spree. As reported by the[Read More…]

Friday, July 20, 2012, 2:26 PM Coupons In The News
Selling Fake Stuff Doesn't Make Your Web Host Happy

Selling Fake Stuff Doesn’t Make Your Web Host Happy

If you were thinking of buying a bunch of fake coupons from the SavvyShopperSite, think again! A week after three women were arrested and charged with counterfeiting the coupons sold on the site, it’s been shut down. The site was registered with Go Daddy and hosted by Act Now Domains, both of which state in their terms of service, “You[Read More…]

Thursday, July 19, 2012, 8:47 PM Coupons In The News
Couponers' Loot Was Like "Drug Cartel-Type of Stuff"

Couponers’ Loot Was Like “Drug Cartel-Type of Stuff”

Because we just can’t get enough about the crooked coupon caper, here’s another update on the case of the alleged counterfeit couponers in Phoenix. Phoenix TV station KPHO spoke with the lead investigator of “Operation Super Coupon”, which resulted in three arrests and the seizure of $40 million in fake coupons. Sgt. David Lake of the Phoenix Police Department told[Read More…]

Monday, July 16, 2012, 2:24 PM Coupons In The News
JCPenney Coupons and the CEO: Only One Can Survive

JCPenney Coupons and the CEO: Only One Can Survive

No more coupons, no more customers? Given department store JCPenney’s dismal performance since doing away with discounts and coupons, might CEO Ron Johnson consider bringing back coupons? “No,” he says. Ok, might JCPenney consider doing away with its CEO then? “Yes,” says one retail analyst. The company’s credit rating retreated further into junk status this week, as it laid off[Read More…]

Friday, July 13, 2012, 9:05 PM Coupons In The News
"It Was Too Good To Be True, But It Was Working"

“It Was Too Good To Be True, But It Was Working”

Here’s a followup to the case of the alleged coupon counterfeiters in Phoenix: Did everyone who purchased the extremely-suspicious-in-retrospect “free product” coupons offered by the SavvyShopperSite, really believe they were the real deal? Not necessarily, but it seems some customers didn’t want to spoil a good thing by questioning it. Phoenix TV station KTVK spoke with a South Carolina woman[Read More…]

Friday, July 13, 2012, 10:16 AM Coupons In The News
Will You Be Paying More For Back-to-School Supplies?

Will You Be Paying More For Back-to-School Supplies?

It’s nearly back-to-school time, and maybe Chicago-based ShopperTrak needs to go back to coupon school. As reported by Crain’s Chicago Business, the retail technology company says the “back-to-school outlook is rosy, unless you’re a coupon fanatic.” The firm predicts national retail sales, and retail foot traffic, will increase this back-to-school season. “Parents will fill their carts with more pencils, supplies[Read More…]

Thursday, July 12, 2012, 10:24 AM Coupons In The News
"In America, You Find Coupons. In Future, Coupons Find You!"

“In America, You Find Coupons. In Future, Coupons Find You!”

Never mind the Yakov Smirnoff reference, this story isn’t about the 1980’s, it’s about the future… a future in which all you have to do is find a product you like at the store, show it to your phone and presto – coupons! IBM recently announced the development of what it calls an “augmented reality mobility shopping app”. In English,[Read More…]

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 9:32 PM Coupons In The News
Cops Crack Crooked Coupon Caper

Cops Crack Crooked Coupon Caper

Could we interest you in a coupon for $10.82 off Maxwell House coffee? $24 off a box of Huggies diapers? $60.99 off a bag of Royal Canin dog food? Well, sorry. Police in Phoenix, Arizona say those offers are no longer available. And neither are the people who were offering them. Investigators said today they’ve broken up a multi-million dollar[Read More…]

Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 8:37 PM Coupons In The News
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