Grocery & Retail News

Shopping Carts: A Love Story

Shopping Carts: A Love Story

More like a love-hate story, actually.  On one side are the shoppers and thieves who apparently love shopping carts.  On the other side are people like this gentleman from Wellton, Arizona: “This is a probably useless appeal for the shoppers of Yuma to use a little consideration of others when discarding shopping carts after unloading their purchases,” he recently groused in[Read More…]

Friday, July 27, 2012, 2:20 PM Grocery & Retail News
The "Man Aisle". Oh, Man.

The “Man Aisle”. Oh, Man.

Har har, have you heard about the new “man aisle” that a New York City grocery store has set up? If you haven’t, you can read about it here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here. In other words, the story is everywhere today, and the Westside Market couldn’t[Read More…]

Thursday, July 26, 2012, 2:50 PM Grocery & Retail News
Walmart Smacks Down Swiping Settlement

Walmart Smacks Down Swiping Settlement

When we last left off, the nation’s number-one retailer had not weighed in on the proposed swipe-fee settlement. Now it has. In a statement released Tuesday, Walmart said it was “disappointed” in the settlement, because it would not “prohibit credit card networks from continually increasing hidden swipe fees, which already cost consumers tens of billions of dollars each year… We[Read More…]

Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 12:06 AM Grocery & Retail News
Keep On Swiping, Says Target

Keep On Swiping, Says Target

It could cost you to use a credit card at Kroger soon. But Target says, not in its stores. Target has announced its opposition to this month’s multi-billion dollar settlement between retailers and credit card companies, which would allow retailers to pass on credit card “swipe fees” to their customers. Previously, retailers have had to cover the cost themselves, in[Read More…]

Monday, July 23, 2012, 3:20 PM Grocery & Retail News
Want Some Foil? Got an ID?

Want Some Foil? Got an ID?

First, it was Sudafed. Then powered baby formula. Then, bizarrely, Tide detergent. Now you can add aluminum foil to the items that may only be available behind the counter at your local store. Really. Fox 10 News in Phoenix reports that some local CVS stores are pulling aluminum foil off their shelves and making them available only by request. Signs[Read More…]

Thursday, July 19, 2012, 12:14 PM Grocery & Retail News
Where's the Milk? Ask Your App!

Where’s the Milk? Ask Your App!

If you’ve ever found yourself wandering the aisles of a store, looking for someone – anyone – who works there and can tell you where to find what you’re looking for, your problem is solved – there’s an app for that. “Mobile retail navigation service” aisle411 has announced that it’s completed mapping all 7,907 Walgreens drug stores in the United[Read More…]

Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 3:35 PM Grocery & Retail News
Swipe Fees Could Swipe Your Savings

Swipe Fees Could Swipe Your Savings

Kroger is telling us not to worry – they’re not going to start charging credit card customers more. They just won’t charge them less. The country’s biggest grocery chain is publicly mulling how to respond to last week’s multibillion-dollar settlement in a case pitting retailers against credit card companies. Visa and MasterCard were accused of price-fixing, in setting the fees[Read More…]

Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 11:06 PM Grocery & Retail News
Always Low Prices. Always. (Sometimes.)

Always Low Prices. Always. (Sometimes.)

As Walmart continues to grab a greater share of the grocery market, it’s also casting a laserlike focus on a growing number of individual competitors, in carefully-selected cities across the country. But increasingly, devotees of those competitors are saying that all is not as it seems. Walmart introduced its first “Walmart Challenge” ad campaign in Charlotte, North Carolina back in[Read More…]

Monday, July 16, 2012, 12:44 PM Grocery & Retail News
Happy 40th, Bar Code! You Don't Look a Day Over 5-37000-00176

Happy 40th, Bar Code! You Don’t Look a Day Over 5-37000-00176

Imagine a scenario in which grocery prices aren’t marked on the shelves, your cashier has to closely examine every single product you buy, and none of your coupons will scan. Sound like a nightmare? Actually, it’s the way things were just 40 years ago. The Cincinnati Enquirer points out that it was July 1972 when a Kroger supermarket in town[Read More…]

Sunday, July 15, 2012, 9:06 AM Grocery & Retail News
Who Needs Grocery Stores, Anyway?

Who Needs Grocery Stores, Anyway?

Are you still buying your groceries at a grocery store? How quaint! Supermarkets are poised to lose their position as America’s preferred grocery-shopping destination. And it’s not only big-box discounters like Walmart and Target that are taking their business. The Wall Street Journal reports that supermarkets’ share of U.S. grocery sales fell to 51% last year. And Forbes cites a[Read More…]

Saturday, July 14, 2012, 12:45 PM Grocery & Retail News
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