Post Tagged with: "Publix"

Target, Others Tell SnipSnap to Cease and Desist

Target, Others Tell SnipSnap to Cease and Desist

(Be sure to read this followup story: “EXCLUSIVE: SnipSnap is Sued, Accused of Infringing Coupon Copyrights”) The controversial coupon app SnipSnap is making a big stink about the fact that Target will no longer allow its coupons to appear on the app. But Target is not the only retailer to tell SnipSnap to knock it off. Spokespersons for both Target[Read More…]

Saturday, June 22, 2013, 9:36 PM Coupons In The News
Retailers Rebuff Snipsnap: So Is This App Ill-Advised, or Illegal?

Retailers Rebuff Snipsnap: So Is This App Ill-Advised, or Illegal?

For a coupon app that boasts that it “works at most retailers,” retailers across the country are lining up in opposition to SnipSnap.

Friday, June 7, 2013, 10:17 AM Coupons In The News
Your Grocery Store Wants to be Your Facebook Friend

Your Grocery Store Wants to be Your Facebook Friend

Not all that long ago, the idea of interacting and chatting with your favorite grocery store online seemed improbable, if not pointless. With the advent of Facebook, though, it’s become the norm. And any store that’s not a part of the social network is seen as something of an online outcast. Now, one longtime Facebook holdout has jumped on the[Read More…]

Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 11:15 AM Grocery & Retail News
Hand Over the Groceries, Ma'am, and No One Will Get Hurt

Hand Over the Groceries, Ma’am, and No One Will Get Hurt

(Be sure to read this update: “Controversial ‘Cart to Car’ Service Clarified: No Means No, After All”) “Welcome to Jewel-Osco, where prices are low and friendliness is mandatory. Really, let us carry those bags out to the car for you. No, we insist. Seriously. Hand over the bags. Do it, now. Security!!” Getting into an arm-wrestling match over your shopping[Read More…]

Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 4:13 PM Grocery & Retail News
Publix is the Best Store in the World Ever

Publix is the Best Store in the World Ever

If its legions of devoted fans aren’t enough to convince you, two separate surveys put one grocery store at the top of their lists when it comes to customer satisfaction. But Publix is used to that kind of thing. “Publix reigns when it comes to customer satisfaction,” reports the American Customer Satisfaction Index. With a score of 86 out of[Read More…]

Thursday, February 28, 2013, 10:11 PM Grocery & Retail News
Digital Coupon Update: Winn-Dixie Backtracks, Publix Expands

Digital Coupon Update: Winn-Dixie Backtracks, Publix Expands

It’s been a week since Winn-Dixie launched a new digital coupon program, and the fine print had some wondering if this could possibly be the best digital coupon program ever. Not only did the e-coupon policy suggest that coupons might reappear in your account after you used them once, but it said you could combine digital coupons with paper coupons[Read More…]

Thursday, February 14, 2013, 8:21 AM Coupons In The News
Facebook's Top Grocery Store Takes on Twitter

Facebook’s Top Grocery Store Takes on Twitter

The grocery chain that already dominates Facebook and perennially tops customer satisfaction surveys is now setting its sights on a new conquest: Publix has officially joined Twitter. It may not seem like big news for fans of other grocery chains that have been tweeting for years. But Publix has a fanatically loyal fan base, and where Publix goes, fans follow.[Read More…]

Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 9:58 AM Grocery & Retail News
Who Will Blink First on Credit Card Swipe Fees?

Who Will Blink First on Credit Card Swipe Fees?

If you’re going shopping this weekend, and paying with a credit card – watch out. Beginning Sunday, stores can charge you extra for it. Under the terms of a settlement reached last year, stores will have the option of adding a surcharge for credit card payments – passing the cost that they already pay to the credit card companies, on[Read More…]

Friday, January 25, 2013, 3:10 PM Grocery & Retail News
Loyal to Digital Coupons, Without a Loyalty Card: Meijer Marks Millionth mPerks Member

Loyal to Digital Coupons, Without a Loyalty Card: Meijer Marks Millionth mPerks Member

For years, store loyalty cards were lonely. Their only purpose in life seemed to be to give you access to sale prices, while non-card holding suckers had to pay full price. Then along came digital coupons, and it was love at first sight. The marriage of loyalty cards and digital coupons seemed a given – the cards were a convenient[Read More…]

Thursday, January 24, 2013, 10:14 PM Coupons In The News
We're Closing, But We Care - Sweetbay to Shut Down a Third of Its Stores

We’re Closing, But We Care – Sweetbay to Shut Down a Third of Its Stores

Kevin the Meatbay Butcher is not amused. The personable, punny public face of the Florida-based Sweetbay grocery chain’s Facebook page fell silent today, so his platform could be taken over for a more pressing matter. The Sweetbay Facebook page became an impromptu counseling session, to help customers and employees take in the news that a third of the chain’s stores[Read More…]

Thursday, January 17, 2013, 10:02 PM Grocery & Retail News
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